[yocto] Cedartrail / GLES / Framebuffer

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Thu Nov 15 06:44:51 PST 2012


On 20 October 2012 19:31, Chris Tapp <opensource at keylevel.com> wrote:
> I'm still trying to get my 'perfect' platform configuration for a project.
> 1) I need to use the 'nopvr' machine as I need unionfs. This means I need the kernel 3.2, which doesn't currently support pvr;
> 2) I'm running using the framebuffer and would rather not have to include libx11;
> 3) I was using SDL, but I now need to support GLESv2 / EGL as well.
> Is it possible to build a system that runs like this? i.e. GLES on the framerbuffer without X11.
> I think the only issue is getting a build of MESA that runs without x11, but is there anything else, or another way?

I had this marked to Follow Up but managed to ignore it until now, sorry.

GLES without X11 should work using EGL, but that will be using the
closed cdv-pvr-drivers package.  If you can't use those for other
reasons, then you're stuck.

(yay closed drivers)

I understand that Ubuntu contains a re-packaging and re-build of the
CedarView binary drivers - it may be worth seeing what kernel they are
built against as I believe that the stack is slightly new than the
MeeGo-derived binaries that we're using.


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