[Automated-testing] Linaro Connect Report

Dave Pigott dave.pigott at linaro.org
Thu Apr 11 07:07:56 PDT 2019

> On 11 Apr 2019, at 01:51, <daniel.sangorrin at toshiba.co.jp> <daniel.sangorrin at toshiba.co.jp> wrote:
> Thanks for the report Dan!
>> From: Dan Rue
> [...]
>> - Core pdu api actions: on, off, status
>> - Core relay api actions: on, off, ???
> I think that we also talked about "reset" (or "reboot", but I think that "reset" is a better verb because it implies that the operation is _forced_ unlike "reboot" which is usually done by the OS).
> I am not an expert about PDUs/Relays but it seems that "reset" can be realized by combining the "on" and "off" (experts, please correct me if I am wrong) operations. That should work if the driver knows the limitations of the PDU and can add the necessary delays. In that case, I guess we can safely leave out the "reset" operation.

Hi Daniel,

I’ve added you to the PDU control document so you can comment.

We can implement reset within the daemon by, as you say, sending off, pause and then on.

> By the way, should we still use the word PDU or something like "power control unit"? I think that there was a discussion about that, but I am not sure if there was a consensus.

I’m already planning on calling it “power_control” or something similar. This can also include IPMI type interfaces.



> Thanks,
> Daniel
> -- 
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