[yocto] Looking for a recommendation for the right Yocto dev board that supports MIPI CSI-2...

Bob Cochran yocto at mindchasers.com
Thu Jun 20 20:24:51 PDT 2019


I'm doing some work with MIPI cameras, and I need a development board 
with stable Yocto and MIPI CSI-2 support.   At this point, I'm thinking 
i.MX, but I'm open to any suggestion.

I'm not sure what type of access I'll have to the D-PHY data streams.  
Do they always terminate into a GPU?   However, I would like a board 
that gives me the most capability to control / route the data with open 
source drivers.

I suppose I want CSI-2 in and HDMI out.

Thank you,


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