[yocto] TR: how to "compute" path to install module file

Vincent Daanen vincent.daanen at orthotaxy.com
Thu Mar 22 03:22:14 PDT 2018


I'm porting the makefile to build SocketCan for Ixxat on yocto. At this time I successfully build the module file.
I now have to install it in the target image.

The "install" procedure from the original makefile does not work out-of-the-box. It copies files in the following directories starting by /lib and thus it tries to install in the host system, not the target system..

In order to install in the target image, the installation is performed in a customized do_install function in the bb file, and the problem starts here !

In the original makefile, installation process copies a file in the following directory : /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/.....

In the bb file, I "compute" the kernel version using ${KERNEL_VERSION}

Thus the bb file contains the following lines:

#MODDIR = Module file destination directory
MODDIR ="${nonarch_base_libdir}/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/kernel/drivers/net/can/ixxat"

do_install() {
        install -d ${D}${base_libdir}/firmware
        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/can-ibxxx_socketcan/ixx-can-ib-1.9.3.fw ${D}${base_libdir}/firmware
        install -d ${D}${MODDIR}
        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/can-ibxxx_socketcan/ixx_pci.ko ${D}${MODDIR}
FILES_${PN} += " ${base_libdir}/firmware ${MODDIR}"

Build fails with the following error:
nothing provides kernel-module-ixx-pci-4.12.14-yocto-standard needed by kernel-module-ixxat-candriver-1.0-r0.qemux86_64

I don't understand how yocto computes to module filename. It adds the kernel-version to the default filename...
Is it the standard way for computing module filename with yocto (I searched and did not find any info about this) or could it be a side-effect of my bb file (and in this case, how can I identify where this side-effect occurs) or .. maybe if bug in bitbake ??

Thanks for helping


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