[yocto] Yocto Poky meta browser issue on intel 32 image

Maurizio Galasso galasso.maurizio at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 07:11:09 PDT 2017


i'm trying to integrate meta browser recipe for have a chromium instance on
a intel x86 32 bit machine.

i'm configuring x86 machine and i've integrated the meta-browser proposed
by open-embedded

   1. https://codeload.github.com/OSSystems/meta-browser/zip/master
   2. https://github.com/OSSystems/meta-browser.git

to test the behavior we have downloaded the chromium sample 32 bits and
even that one has created issue to launch on my machine ( the same sample
has been launched easily on a ubuntu 32 bits)

what we are seeing is that the same recipe created with real machine 32
bits is not working on the intel device.
we have a segmentation fault.
is it correct to integrate this recipe?

to be precise my target was to have Chromium CEF but i would accept for now
to make Chromium work on the machine.

i'll really appreciate you support,


Mauriizo Galasso
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