[yocto] genericx86 vs qemux86

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Sat Feb 4 05:38:03 PST 2017

On 4 February 2017 at 03:59, Takashi Matsuzawa <tmatsuzawa at xevo.com> wrote:

> So, if virtualization platform provides what intel-core* builds expects,
> then I will see a better performance with them, rather thatn qemu* builds.
> Or qemu* builds provide particular features that suites well with VM,
> other thna its 'safe' behavior?

The qemu machines enable all the 'virtio' drivers that for example instead
of talking to a pretend model of a real ethernet board, talk directly to
the container.  This makes them much faster.

The meta-intel machines enable various drivers and compiler options that
are specific to or tailored for real modern x86 hardware, so will perform
better than a lowest common denominator kernel build.

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