[yocto] Execute recipe only after kernel is built and rootfs file is created in deploy folder

Josias Inacio da Silva Filho josiasinacio at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 4 22:07:08 PST 2016

Hi guys,

I’m trying to run a recipe that has dependencies in the generation of the roofts and kernel image files. Without those two files already in the deploy folder, I cannot start running my recipe.

Some suggested that I should add the task in a class and make that dependent of do_rootfs. Then, inherit that class in a recipe. But I haven’t been successful with that. Here’s what I have:


do_work() {
        #main work done here
addtask work after do_rootfs

##### end of class 


inherit myclass

do_deploy() {
addtask do_deploy

##### end of recipe

This must be very wrong, as the do_deploy task of my recipe is being executed before do_rootfs happens, so it fails because do_work needs files that haven’t been created in the deploy folder yet.

How can I fix this? Do I really need a class and recipe, or can I get away with just having one or the other?

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