[yocto] [Yocto] Enable a recipe/package only when other dependent recipe/package is part of image.

Amarnath Valluri amarnath.valluri at intel.com
Mon Apr 25 05:04:21 PDT 2016

Thanks Ross for your suggestions.

On Monday 25 April 2016 02:46 PM, Burton, Ross wrote:
> On 25 April 2016 at 07:46, Amarnath Valluri 
> <amarnath.valluri at intel.com <mailto:amarnath.valluri at intel.com>> wrote:
>     I would like to provide a pakcagegroup-config, that should
>     automatically select the configuration packages that are part of
>     image configuration. Say if ‘connman’ is part of image then it
>     should add ‘connman-conf’ to its RDEPENDS_${PN}.
> You can't do that.
> A packagegroup is just a recipe that generates packages with no 
> contents, just dependencies.  They are built once and don't know what 
> image they're being "built for", or what other packages are being 
> built.  What would you packagegroup do if it were built directly, not 
> via dependencies from an image?
Yes, i agree.
> The low-fi way to implement this would be for the layer that adds 
> connman-conf to also add a bbappend for connman to depend on connman-conf.
I considered this initially, but the issue with .bbappend is it leads to 
rebuilding of core packages when this configuration layer add to 
bblayers, to (re)build image, which we would like to avoid.

> An alternative would be to have some naming pattern for conf packages 
> (-conf is reasonable) and invent a new image-feature called 
> conf-packages that uses a glob to find all complementary packages 
> matching the *-conf pattern.  This is how dev-pkgs, dbg-pkgs, doc-pkgs 
> etc work. I believe this is just a matter of 
> setting COMPLEMENTARY_GLOB[conf-pkgs] = '*-conf' in your configuration.
I will try this, thanks.

- Amarnath
Intel Finland Oy
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