[yocto] do_rootfs missing package (ipk) or not found in base feeds (rpm)

Koehler, Yannick (HP Networking) yannick.koehler at hp.com
Wed Jan 7 09:20:08 PST 2015


  I created my second recipe in Yocto, it is a shared library.  

SUMMARY = "libutil"

LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=2d5025d4aa3495befef8f17206a5b0a1"

SRC_URI = "file://libutil-${PV}-Source.tar.bz2"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "???"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "???"

S = "${WORKDIR}/libutil-${PV}-Source"

DEPENDS = "libpcap"

inherit cmake

  I added to conf/distro/poky.conf the following

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " libutil"

   It build nicely and install some headers and a shared library.  Yet, when Yocto calls the do_rootfs, it fails and claim that the package is not found.

   I did a "find tmp -name libutil*" and see that  I have the following:


  I am unclear what triggered the package to be named -dev or -staticdev and actually having no package named libutil-1.0.0-r0.i586.rpm as it seems that do_rootfs is looking for.

  I have tried with both ipk and rpm without success.  I searched google for some answer but could not get a solution to this problem.  My libutil-1.0.0-Source.tar.bz2 generate a libutil.so, libutil-static.a and headers, all of which is install properly when using cmake/make/make install. I am using a local copy of Yocto "Dizzy".

  Any help is appreciated.

Yannick Koehler

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