[yocto] Header-Files of DEPEND recipe not found

yocto yocto yoctomailinglist at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 04:13:32 PDT 2015

Good day,

I am using the "soci" recipe:


soci is successfully being built when using the following dependency in my
own recipe which relies on soci:

DEPENDS = "soci"

soci produces the following output:

soci/3.2.2-r0/image/usr/include/soci/    (Contains the header-files needed
by my recipe)

Furthermore the following *.ipk are being created by soci:


The package soci-dev seems to contain the header-files as well as the
libraries that my recipe needs.

However, when compiling my own recipe I get compiling errors ("soci.h not
found"). I am 100% sure that I specified the correct paths.

What might be wrong here? I thought using DEPENDS = "soci" should handle

DEPENDS = "soci-dev" results in:

 "ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'soci-dev' (but my-recipe.bb DEPENDS on or
otherwise requires it)"
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