[yocto] Angstrom Build Fails

nick xerofoify at gmail.com
Sat Nov 1 10:53:03 PDT 2014

I am getting a failing build with the log below. If anyone knows how to fix this it would be very helpful.
Cheers Nick 
nick at nick-System-Product-Name:/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts$ time MACHINE=beagleboard ./oebb.sh bitbake systemd-gnome-image
Using environment-angstrom-v2013.12 to setup needed variables. It is recommended to do '. environment-angstrom-v2013.12' and run 'bitbake something' without using ./oebb.sh as wrapper
Executing: MACHINE=beagleboard bitbake systemd-gnome-image
NOTE: Started PRServer with DBfile: /media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/cache/prserv.sqlite3, IP:, PORT: 57935, PID: 18666
WARNING: OPIE_VERSION has not been set; if you are going to build Opie, you need to 'require' an appropriate .inc file from meta-opie/conf/distro/include                                                                    | ETA:  00:06:28
WARNING: OPIE_VERSION has not been set; if you are going to build Opie, you need to 'require' an appropriate .inc file from meta-opie/conf/distro/include                                                                    | ETA:  00:06:18
WARNING: libgles-omap3- ONLY supports hardfp mode for now############################################                                                                                                              | ETA:  00:02:40
WARNING: libgles-omap3- ONLY supports hardfp mode for now
WARNING: omap3-sgx-modules- ONLY supports hardfp mode for now##########################################                                                                                                            | ETA:  00:02:34
WARNING: omap3-sgx-modules- ONLY supports hardfp mode for now
WARNING: Unable to get checksum for lcr SRC_URI entry lcr-no_amr.diff: file could not be found################################################################################################################               | ETA:  00:00:14
WARNING: Unable to get checksum for mono SRC_URI entry Makefile.am.diff: file could not be found##################################################################################################################           | ETA:  00:00:10
WARNING: Unable to get checksum for mono SRC_URI entry config.in.diff: file could not be found
WARNING: Unable to get checksum for mono SRC_URI entry Makefile.diff: file could not be found
WARNING: Variable key FILES_${PN}-dev (${includedir} ${FILES_SOLIBSDEV} ${libdir}/*.la ${libdir}/*.o ${libdir}/pkgconfig ${datadir}/pkgconfig ${datadir}/aclocal ${base_libdir}/*.o ${libdir}/${BPN}/*.la ${base_libdir}/*.la) replaces original key FILES_mono-xsp-dev (	/usr/lib/pkgconfig/xsp.pc 	/usr/lib/pkgconfig/xsp-2.pc 	).
WARNING: Unable to get checksum for mono-native SRC_URI entry Makefile.am.diff: file could not be found
WARNING: Unable to get checksum for mono-native SRC_URI entry config.in.diff: file could not be found
WARNING: Unable to get checksum for mono-native SRC_URI entry Makefile.diff: file could not be found
ERROR: Error executing a python function in <code>:#######################################################################################################################################################################   | ETA:  00:00:02

The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
File: '<code>', lineno: 1, function: <module>
 *** 0001:__anon_634__media_nick_Build_Drive_setup_scripts_sources_openembedded_core_meta_classes_base_bbclass(d)
File: '__anon_634__media_nick_Build_Drive_setup_scripts_sources_openembedded_core_meta_classes_base_bbclass', lineno: 218, function: __anon_634__media_nick_Build_Drive_setup_scripts_sources_openembedded_core_meta_classes_base_bbclass
     0214:    #
     0215:    override = d.getVar('SRC_URI_OVERRIDES_PACKAGE_ARCH', True)
     0216:    if override != '0':
     0217:        paths = []
 *** 0218:        fpaths = (d.getVar('FILESPATH', True) or '').split(':')
     0219:        machine = d.getVar('MACHINE', True)
     0220:        for p in fpaths:
     0221:            if os.path.basename(p) == machine and os.path.isdir(p):
     0222:                paths.append(p)
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 516, function: getVar
     0512:                self._seen_overrides[override] = set()
     0513:            self._seen_overrides[override].add( var )
     0515:    def getVar(self, var, expand=False, noweakdefault=False):
 *** 0516:        return self.getVarFlag(var, "_content", expand, noweakdefault)
     0518:    def renameVar(self, key, newkey, **loginfo):
     0519:        """
     0520:        Rename the variable key to newkey
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 606, function: getVarFlag
     0602:            if flag == "_content":
     0603:                cachename = var
     0604:            else:
     0605:                cachename = var + "[" + flag + "]"
 *** 0606:            value = self.expand(value, cachename)
     0607:        if value is not None and flag == "_content" and local_var is not None and "_removeactive" in local_var:
     0608:            filtered = filter(lambda v: v not in local_var["_removeactive"],
     0609:                              value.split(" "))
     0610:            value = " ".join(filtered)
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 344, function: expand
     0341:        return varparse
     0343:    def expand(self, s, varname = None):
 *** 0344:        return self.expandWithRefs(s, varname).value
     0347:    def finalize(self, parent = False):
     0348:        """Performs final steps upon the datastore, including application of overrides"""
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 325, function: expandWithRefs
     0322:        while s.find('${') != -1:
     0323:            olds = s
     0324:            try:
 *** 0325:                s = __expand_var_regexp__.sub(varparse.var_sub, s)
     0326:                s = __expand_python_regexp__.sub(varparse.python_sub, s)
     0327:                if s == olds:
     0328:                    break
     0329:            except ExpansionError:
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 101, function: var_sub
     0097:            if key in self.d.expand_cache:
     0098:                varparse = self.d.expand_cache[key]
     0099:                var = varparse.value
     0100:            else:
 *** 0101:                var = self.d.getVar(key, True)
     0102:            self.references.add(key)
     0103:            if var is not None:
     0104:                return var
     0105:            else:
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 516, function: getVar
     0512:                self._seen_overrides[override] = set()
     0513:            self._seen_overrides[override].add( var )
     0515:    def getVar(self, var, expand=False, noweakdefault=False):
 *** 0516:        return self.getVarFlag(var, "_content", expand, noweakdefault)
     0518:    def renameVar(self, key, newkey, **loginfo):
     0519:        """
     0520:        Rename the variable key to newkey
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 606, function: getVarFlag
     0602:            if flag == "_content":
     0603:                cachename = var
     0604:            else:
     0605:                cachename = var + "[" + flag + "]"
 *** 0606:            value = self.expand(value, cachename)
     0607:        if value is not None and flag == "_content" and local_var is not None and "_removeactive" in local_var:
     0608:            filtered = filter(lambda v: v not in local_var["_removeactive"],
     0609:                              value.split(" "))
     0610:            value = " ".join(filtered)
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 344, function: expand
     0341:        return varparse
     0343:    def expand(self, s, varname = None):
 *** 0344:        return self.expandWithRefs(s, varname).value
     0347:    def finalize(self, parent = False):
     0348:        """Performs final steps upon the datastore, including application of overrides"""
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 325, function: expandWithRefs
     0322:        while s.find('${') != -1:
     0323:            olds = s
     0324:            try:
 *** 0325:                s = __expand_var_regexp__.sub(varparse.var_sub, s)
     0326:                s = __expand_python_regexp__.sub(varparse.python_sub, s)
     0327:                if s == olds:
     0328:                    break
     0329:            except ExpansionError:
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 101, function: var_sub
     0097:            if key in self.d.expand_cache:
     0098:                varparse = self.d.expand_cache[key]
     0099:                var = varparse.value
     0100:            else:
 *** 0101:                var = self.d.getVar(key, True)
     0102:            self.references.add(key)
     0103:            if var is not None:
     0104:                return var
     0105:            else:
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 516, function: getVar
     0512:                self._seen_overrides[override] = set()
     0513:            self._seen_overrides[override].add( var )
     0515:    def getVar(self, var, expand=False, noweakdefault=False):
 *** 0516:        return self.getVarFlag(var, "_content", expand, noweakdefault)
     0518:    def renameVar(self, key, newkey, **loginfo):
     0519:        """
     0520:        Rename the variable key to newkey
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 606, function: getVarFlag
     0602:            if flag == "_content":
     0603:                cachename = var
     0604:            else:
     0605:                cachename = var + "[" + flag + "]"
 *** 0606:            value = self.expand(value, cachename)
     0607:        if value is not None and flag == "_content" and local_var is not None and "_removeactive" in local_var:
     0608:            filtered = filter(lambda v: v not in local_var["_removeactive"],
     0609:                              value.split(" "))
     0610:            value = " ".join(filtered)
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 344, function: expand
     0341:        return varparse
     0343:    def expand(self, s, varname = None):
 *** 0344:        return self.expandWithRefs(s, varname).value
     0347:    def finalize(self, parent = False):
     0348:        """Performs final steps upon the datastore, including application of overrides"""
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 325, function: expandWithRefs
     0322:        while s.find('${') != -1:
     0323:            olds = s
     0324:            try:
 *** 0325:                s = __expand_var_regexp__.sub(varparse.var_sub, s)
     0326:                s = __expand_python_regexp__.sub(varparse.python_sub, s)
     0327:                if s == olds:
     0328:                    break
     0329:            except ExpansionError:
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 101, function: var_sub
     0097:            if key in self.d.expand_cache:
     0098:                varparse = self.d.expand_cache[key]
     0099:                var = varparse.value
     0100:            else:
 *** 0101:                var = self.d.getVar(key, True)
     0102:            self.references.add(key)
     0103:            if var is not None:
     0104:                return var
     0105:            else:
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 516, function: getVar
     0512:                self._seen_overrides[override] = set()
     0513:            self._seen_overrides[override].add( var )
     0515:    def getVar(self, var, expand=False, noweakdefault=False):
 *** 0516:        return self.getVarFlag(var, "_content", expand, noweakdefault)
     0518:    def renameVar(self, key, newkey, **loginfo):
     0519:        """
     0520:        Rename the variable key to newkey
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 606, function: getVarFlag
     0602:            if flag == "_content":
     0603:                cachename = var
     0604:            else:
     0605:                cachename = var + "[" + flag + "]"
 *** 0606:            value = self.expand(value, cachename)
     0607:        if value is not None and flag == "_content" and local_var is not None and "_removeactive" in local_var:
     0608:            filtered = filter(lambda v: v not in local_var["_removeactive"],
     0609:                              value.split(" "))
     0610:            value = " ".join(filtered)
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 344, function: expand
     0341:        return varparse
     0343:    def expand(self, s, varname = None):
 *** 0344:        return self.expandWithRefs(s, varname).value
     0347:    def finalize(self, parent = False):
     0348:        """Performs final steps upon the datastore, including application of overrides"""
File: '/media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/bitbake/lib/bb/data_smart.py', lineno: 334, function: expandWithRefs
     0330:                raise
     0331:            except bb.parse.SkipPackage:
     0332:                raise
     0333:            except Exception as exc:
 *** 0334:                raise ExpansionError(varname, s, exc)
     0336:        varparse.value = s
     0338:        if varname:
Exception: ExpansionError: Failure expanding variable SRCPV, expression was ${@bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d)} which triggered exception FetchError: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 128, output:
fatal: unable to connect to gitorious.org:
gitorious.org: Name or service not known

ERROR: Failed to parse recipe: /media/nick/Build_Drive/setup-scripts/sources/meta-opie/recipes-opie/opie-connmanapplet/opie-connmanapplet_git.bb

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