[yocto] [meta-raspberrypi] Raspberry Pi Camera + kernel driver + gstreamer

Alex J Lennon ajlennon at dynamicdevices.co.uk
Wed May 21 03:51:14 PDT 2014


Has anybody had any luck with the PiCam and Gstreamer?

I had the bcm2835_v4l2 kernel driver detecting the camera and
mjpg-streamer is working for me.

Now I'd like to have gstreamer doing the streaming instead of

I've had something like the following pipeline working with USB webcams
but can't seem to get the right incantation for the PiCam:

  v4l2src !\
  ffmpegcolorspace !\
  video/x-raw-yuv,width=640,height=480,framerate=\(fraction\)30/1 !\
  queue !\
  videorate !\
  video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=10/1 !\
  jpegenc !\
  multipartmux !\
  tcpserversink host= port=1010 sync=false



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