[yocto] [Yocto 9.0.2 over Overo/Beagleboard] "screen" utility not working as expected

Gaurav Chaturvedi gaurav.chaturvedi at nsl.eu.com
Wed May 21 02:41:53 PDT 2014


I am using Yocto dylan 9.0.2 code to generate Ubuntu kernel and images 
for Gumstix Overo/Beagleboard. Everything is working fine except the 
utility "screen" that I am using to ssh to board, running an application 
and logout.
This is what it is used for, but unfortunately it is not working that 
way. The application also exits once I logout from the board/terminate 
the ssh session.

I have tried different arguments of screen, but no use. Is anybody aware 
of similar issue with "screen" utility with any kernel version.

I read on some forums and Yocto help pages about 2 versions of SSH: 
Dropbear and OpenSSH. The Dropbear version seem to have this issue, but 
not sure. I tried compiling OpenSSH from source and including that in 
the filesystem on my Overo board, but the issue remains.

Any suggestion or information regarding this issue would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance.


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