[yocto] Mono (meta-mono) Corelib not in sync with runtime...

Ryan Kirkpatrick linux at rkirkpat.net
Thu Sep 26 17:04:03 PDT 2013

On Fri, 20 Sep 2013, Ryan Kirkpatrick wrote:

> I am trying to get Mono 2.10 working on a core-image-basic running on 
> qemux86 machine. I am using pokay-dylan-9.0.2 on a Debian 6.0.7 system for 
> the builds and been able to build and run images without issue. Yet, when 
> I went to add the meta-mono layer from git.yoctoporject.org, I started 
> running into problems.
> Corlib not in sync with this runtime: expected corlib version 96, found 100.
> Loaded from: /usr/lib/mono/2.0/mscorlib.dll
> Download a newer corlib or a newer runtime at http://www.go-mono.com/daily.

I dug into the mono build and figured out that I had a version mismatch 
between 'mono' (builds the runtime for the target) and 'mono-native' 
(builds a runtime for the build system and uses it to build the corlib). 
The key was defining both of the following in local.conf, not just the 
first line which is all I had originally.

PREFERRED_VERSION_mono-native = ""

Anyway, attached is a patch against meta-mono (from 
git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-mono) that makes these changes:
 - Adds a comment to the README about the two configs above.
 - Reconfigures mono to be built without X support, skip as desired.
 - A few packaging tweaks, namely moving the bulky *.mdb (Mono debug 
   databases) to the -dbg package.
 - Adjustment to QA packaging checks to resolve errors encountered.
 - Moved the mono- folder in meta-mono/recipes/mono to 
   meta-mono/recipes/mono/files so the contents can be found.
 - Quick fix to mono-xsp recipe to avoid parsing error, probably not the 
   fix to make if mono-xsp was going to be built (but I am not).

Hope that helps some one, it does myself as I can now run Mono apps in my 
qemux86 target. Next challenge is to do the same with a qemuarm target 
(actual hardware comes later :)!

| Ryan Kirkpatrick | Boulder, CO | rkirkpat.net | twitter.com/rkirkpatnet |
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