[yocto] Identify Target for a given binary

Brad Litterell brad at evidence.com
Mon Sep 16 16:49:25 PDT 2013

I'm trying to rebuild uImage into my deploy folder (minimally) and so I tried:

bitbake linux-am335x-psp -c clean
bitbake linux-am335x-psp

This works great for most of my recipes, but for the kernel something odd is happening.  I keep getting a uImage with an old date in my deploy folder so it appears that the file is being cached somewhere.

If I perform a -c cleanall it works, but then the entire project is redownloaded over git which is rather slow.

So, what I want to do is figure out which -c <command> targets I need to give to rebuild the kernel and not get these cached versions.  (I notice that there are also several sysroot commands and such.)

Is there an easy way to figure out from the logs which step is creating a particular binary on disk?  With that I could trace back by finding the cached version in the work tree, and then rerun that step, etc...

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