[yocto] Fwd: [devroom-managers] [CFP] Testing and Automation Devroom

Philip Balister philip at balister.org
Fri Nov 8 10:43:31 PST 2013

This track might be interesting for some people.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [devroom-managers] [CFP] Testing and Automation Devroom
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 09:39:35 -0800
From: R. Tyler Croy <tyler at monkeypox.org>
To: devroom-managers at lists.fosdem.org, fosdem at lists.fosdem.org

Full marked up version here:

Members of the Jenkins, Selenium and others will be hosting a devroom
on testing and automation on Sunday February 2nd, 2014.

We invite members of the broader open source community to submit one (or
30-40 minute talk proposal(s) OR one (or more) 10 minute lightning talk
proposal(s) by 23:59 UTC on November 30th 2013.  We will notify all those
submitting proposals about their acceptance by December 10th 2013.


This is the second year for the Testing/Automation dev room at FOSDEM. This
room is about creating better software through a focus on testing and
automation at all layers of the stack. From creating libraries and end-user
applications all the way down to packaging, distribution and deployment.
Testing and automation is not isolated to a single toolchain, language or
platform, there is much to learn and share regardless of background!


Since this is the second year we're hosting the Testing and Automation dev
room, here are some ideas of what we would like to see, and what worked last
year, they're just ideas though!

* Testing in the real, open source world
  * How has your open source project has gone from not-so-good to
    absolutely-great by applying testing best practices (TDD, BDD, ATDD,
  * How to test and develop for open source projects (e.g. test-driving
    operating systems, big projects, ensuring quality of Linux distros, etc)
  * Talk about how your project is automated to make contributors' lives
    (and/or on-boarding new contributors)
* Cool Tools (good candidates for lightning talks)
  * Explain/demo how your open source tool made developing quality software
  * Combining projects/plugins/tools to build amazing things "Not enough
    people in the open source community know how to use $X, but here's a
    on how to use $X to make your project better."

To submit a talk proposal (you can submit multiple proposals if you'd like)
with Pentabarf (https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM14), the
FOSDEM paper
submission system.

We look forward to seeing you there!

- R. Tyler Croy
    Code: https://github.com/rtyler
 Chatter: https://twitter.com/agentdero
          rtyler at jabber.org

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