[yocto] cleansstate issues on NFS?

John Williams john.williams at xilinx.com
Mon Mar 11 20:29:12 PDT 2013


I am seeing consistent failures for the cleansstate task on native packages, e.g. popt-native, dpkg-native etc, on NFS-mounted volumes.

 I am using RHEL 5.6 which I realize is not a supported distro, but I don't think this is the root cause.

Various ML archives show people seeing this problem when doing a Yocto build on an NFS mount, which is exactly my situation here.

If I rerun on the same host but on a locally mounted drive, it is fine.

Log is below, any suggestions on how to debug or resolve would be greatly appreciated.



$ bitbake popt-native -c cleansstate

NOTE: Running task 1 of 2 (ID: 0, virtual:native:/home/jwilliams/yocto/xlnx/poky/meta/recipes-support/popt/popt_1.16.bb, do_clean)
NOTE: package popt-native-1.16-r0: task do_clean: Started
ERROR: Error executing a python function in /home/jwilliams/yocto/xlnx/poky/meta/recipes-support/popt/popt_1.16.bb:
OSError: [Errno 39] Directory not empty: '/home/jwilliams/yocto/xlnx/demo-microblaze/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/popt-native-1.16-r0/temp'

ERROR: The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
ERROR:   File "do_clean", line 16, in <module>
ERROR:   File "do_clean", line 6, in do_clean
ERROR:   File "/home/jwilliams/yocto/xlnx/poky/meta/lib/oe/path.py", line 96, in remove
ERROR:     shutil.rmtree(name)
ERROR:   File "/home/jwilliams/local/lib/python2.7/shutil.py", line 245, in rmtree
ERROR:     rmtree(fullname, ignore_errors, onerror)
ERROR:   File "/home/jwilliams/local/lib/python2.7/shutil.py", line 254, in rmtree
ERROR:     onerror(os.rmdir, path, sys.exc_info())
ERROR:   File "/home/jwilliams/local/lib/python2.7/shutil.py", line 252, in rmtree
ERROR:     os.rmdir(path)
ERROR: The code that was being executed was:
ERROR:      0012:       for f in (d.getVar('CLEANFUNCS', True) or '').split():
ERROR:      0013:               bb.build.exec_func(f, d)
ERROR:      0014:
ERROR:      0015:
ERROR:  *** 0016:do_clean(d)
ERROR:      0017:
ERROR: (file: 'do_clean', lineno: 16, function: <module>)
ERROR:      0002:def do_clean(d):
ERROR:      0003:       """clear the build and temp directories"""
ERROR:      0004:       dir = d.expand("/home/jwilliams/yocto/xlnx/demo-microblaze/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/popt-native-1.16-r0")
ERROR:      0005:       bb.note("Removing " + dir)
ERROR:  *** 0006:       oe.path.remove(dir)
ERROR:      0007:
ERROR:      0008:       dir = "%s.*" % bb.data.expand(d.getVar('STAMP'), d)
ERROR:      0009:       bb.note("Removing " + dir)
ERROR:      0010:       oe.path.remove(dir)
ERROR: (file: 'do_clean', lineno: 6, function: do_clean)
ERROR: Function failed: do_clean
NOTE: package popt-native-1.16-r0: task do_clean: Failed
ERROR: Task 0 (virtual:native:/home/jwilliams/yocto/xlnx/poky/meta/recipes-support/popt/popt_1.16.bb, do_clean) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.

Summary: 1 task failed:
  virtual:native:/home/jwilliams/yocto/xlnx/poky/meta/recipes-support/popt/popt_1.16.bb, do_clean
Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown.
Summary: There were 37 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.

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