[yocto] [meta-raspberrypi] Userland and vc-graphics

Paul Barker paul at paulbarker.me.uk
Sat Jul 6 04:22:10 PDT 2013

The meta-raspberrypi repository has separate recipes for 'userland',
'vc-graphics' and 'vc-graphics-hardfp'. To my understanding, the
vc-graphics files in the raspberrypi firmware repo
(https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware) are simply compiled from the
userland sources (https://github.com/raspberrypi/userland). All three
recipes PROVIDE 'virtual/libgles2' and 'virtual/egl'.

So if there recipes are fulfilling the exact same purpose, I think we
should strip out vc-graphics completely and always build from source.
I've never seen a use case for the pre-compiled vc-graphics recipes
within OpenEmbedded/Yocto.

Does anyone else who's worked with meta-raspberrypi agree with this?
If so I'll throw together patches to achieve this.

Paul Barker

Email: paul at paulbarker.me.uk

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