[yocto] How to work with linux-yocto kernel

Bruce Ashfield bruce.ashfield at windriver.com
Wed Aug 28 11:07:28 PDT 2013

On 13-08-28 02:05 PM, Elvis Dowson wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> On Aug 28, 2013, at 9:52 PM, Bruce Ashfield <bruce.ashfield at windriver.com> wrote:
>> There were some old bugs which caused the wrong board description to
>> be picked up, the seems similar.
>> But without seeing your exact changes, as they sit in the tree, I
>> can't be sure.
>> Did you also update the meta and machine branch SRCREVs ?
> No, I didn't.
> I've just done this now. It's only after you mentioned it
> that I noticed the SRCREV_meta variable in linux-yocto_3.8.bb
> While obvious, once stated, it's better to explicitly document
> this step in the kernel development guide, so that people remember to
> do it:
> http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/kernel-dev/kernel-dev.html

If you have a moment, drop a quick bugzilla and we can make sure
that happens.

> BTW, in qemuarma9-standard.scc, for the branch, do I specify
> standard/qemuarma9 or just qemuarma9 ?

Just qemuarma9. Branch names are automatically built up with inheritance.

So if you include other features that branch (like the standard
kernel), your name is appended. That frees your individual feature
from needing to know where it sits in the include order.



> Best regards,
> Elvis Dowson

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