[yocto] Is there a recipe class that simply installs files to the target?

Brad Litterell bradl at taser.com
Tue Aug 13 17:15:31 PDT 2013

I have some scripts I'd like to copy to the target to a simple folder, e.g. /lib/foo

Ideally I'd like to just create a simple recipe something like this:

SRC_URI = "file://lib/foo/foo.sh<file:///lib/foo/foo.sh>"

inherit install_only

Is there a class like this?

It seems like most recipes of this form accomplish this by a custom do_install step, such as this:

do_install() {

   install -D -m 755 ${S}/lib/foo/foo.sh ${D}/lib/foo


and I was just hoping there might be a base class for examining the input files and generating the install steps?


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