[yocto] Manually fetching files (and disabling the sanity-checker)

McClintock Matthew-B29882 B29882 at freescale.com
Wed Jul 18 21:54:06 PDT 2012

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 6:50 PM, Tim Bird <tim.bird at am.sony.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've given up trying to work around Sony's firewall.  After repeated attempts
> I still can't get any 'git:'-based URLS to work through the firewall.
> I vaguely recall the last time I worked on this (about 5.0 timeframe) there
> was a mirror where tarballs could be downloaded, if the git fetch didn't work.
> Is this mirror still available?  If not, is there any way to disable
> the sanity-checker, and have bitbake tell me what repositories it's
> looking for, so I can manually construct a local mirror for yoctoproject
> to work off of?
> Is there any way to extract the tarballs from a build appliance image?
> Any advice or pointers would be appreciated.

Another less fun option is to create a siteconfig of some sort and
start overriding git SRC_URI...

SRC_URI_pn-linux-yocto = "proto://some/internal/mirror/you/setup.git"

This might be useful for stuff that's not yet mirrored on yp.org


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