[yocto] Minutes: Yocto Project Technical Team Meeting - Tuesday, July 17, 2012 8:00 AM-9:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).

Liu, Song song.liu at intel.com
Tue Jul 17 10:50:13 PDT 2012

Cristian, Laurentiu, Ciby, Bogdan, ScottR, ScottG, Mark, Russ, Saul, Denys, Paul, Tom, Gilbert, Richard, MichaelH, BruceA, Josh, Sean, Jessica, Nitin, Darren, Song
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* 1.2.1 release readiness - 10 min (ScottG)
  - The release build has passed full pass QA test. All bugs have been reviewed and no release blocker found. We are ready to release pending CCB approval.
  - Asked community feedback on release readiness. No objection from the community.
  - Decision: will release after CCB approval.
* 1.1.2 release readiness - 10 min (Josh/Beth)
  - Full pass QA report is out, few issues are reported with distribution update. Fedora 17 added something new and causing one issue. Fixing the issue will probably take more than this point release can take. Matthew reported another issue yesterday. Josh will follow up with Matthew on those issues and try to find solution.
  - Other than those, we are ready to release.
  - Decision: will ask CCB approval to release after following up with Matthew.
* Yocto 1.3 status  - 10 min (Song/team)
  - M2 RC1 is under QA full pass testing. Report is expected tomorrow. 
  - Bug counts is a little higher this week. Our speed of fixing bugs has been lagging the speed of opening bugs a bit. The team need to focus more on this to bring the bug count down. 
  - Planning: M2 schedule is cleaned up. We got CCB approval and moved about 6 feature and 9 bugs (all P1) from M2 to M3. There are still planning to do for the Romania team and kernel team this week.
  - Master status: Saul: Will run a build on master today, master is open and ready.
  - Package update: Saul sent an email to oe-core with a list of packages we need to update for M3, we targeted 80% for that list. That's our goal for M3. If there are people interested in helping that please get in touch with maintainers. 
* SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Ross
* Opens - 10 min
* Team sharing - 20 min
 - Paul: working on early phase construction (2614), some patches ready. might need to talk to Mark about that. Working on web server (LAMP) layer.
 - Michael: spent time on tricky NFS issues. ID map server with shared states, causing time out, etc. All of that have been solved. Was pretty challenging. Tagged 1.1.2 release, worked with Josh. Coming week will be in OSCON, will work on documentation, autobuilder rotation, etc.

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