[yocto] Minutes: Yocto Project 1.2 M2 release readiness meeting

Liu, Song song.liu at intel.com
Wed Jan 25 09:12:14 PST 2012

Beth, Dave, Kevin, Joshua, Darren, Tom, Richard, Mark Hatle, Mark Orvek, Jessica, Denys, ScottR, Song
Release criteria review:
1. Completed all P1 features for M2, some P2/P3 features did not make M2 and are pushed to M3, but most of them are either completed now or close to be completed at this point.
2. M2 RC1 passed full path test, all known issues are logged in Bugzilla. Beagleboard BSP has xServer issue, but not show stopper, users of this BSP can still use the M1 build. The reported HOB2 issue is already fixed. Core build system has 3 problems, 1 already fixed, the other 2 are being worked on. All none show stoppers. 
3. The latest version of Fedora, Opensuse, Ubuntu has been tested, no new issues found.
4. Quality has been under control, the WDD number has been relatively stable. Since the beginning of the 1.2 release, we opened more than 100 medium+ bugs and we fixed more than that, so the overall trending for total outstanding medium+ bugs is down. Thanks to Richard and the whole team to make this happen.
5. Performance has a degradation, but stable compared with 1.1. Could be caused by enlarged BSP images (the problem is already fixed). Richard is going to take a look. QA will check this after coming back from their holidays for M3. 
6. We exceeded our target for package update, and at 99% for patch upstream status update. Uclibc patches are still being worked on.
7. Remove marketing deliverable from milestone release.
Intel/Dave: Go
Wind River/Mark Hatle: Go
TI/Denys: Go
MontaVista/Mark Orvek: Go
Linux Foundation/Richard: Go
Next step: 
1. Beth will have the release note reviewed
2. Beth will push out the release tarball and announce the release in the public mailing list.
3. Dave will write a blog entry.

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Liu, Song 
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 9:17 AM
Subject: Yocto Project 1.2 M2 release readiness meeting
When: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 8:00 AM-9:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: 916-356-2663, 8-356-2663, Bridge: 94, Passcode: 5917456


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