[yocto] Help diagnosing a build failure involving ncurses, gettext, and eglibc

Joshua Lock josh at linux.intel.com
Thu Nov 3 11:47:45 PDT 2011

On 03/11/11 02:36, Jack Mitchell wrote:
> On 03/11/2011 05:21, Darren Hart wrote:
>> On 11/02/2011 10:16 PM, McClintock Matthew-B29882 wrote:
>>> On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 12:12 AM, Darren Hart<dvhart at linux.intel.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I came up with the following to ensure I have a log of every bitbake
>>>> command I run along with some useful stats. Feel free to use it or
>>>> flame it:
>>>> #!/bin/bash
>>>> TIMESTAMP=$(date -u "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
>>>> LOG=$(mktemp --suffix=".log" bb-$TIMESTAMP-XXX)
>>>> if [ -z "$LOG" ]; then
>>>>         echo "ERROR: failed to create log file"
>>>>         exit 1
>>>> fi
>>>> (
>>>>         echo "Start: $TIMESTAMP"
>>>>         echo "========================================"
>>>>         /usr/bin/time 2>&1 -v bitbake $@
>>>>         echo "========================================"
>>>>         echo "End: $(date -u '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')"
>>>> ) | tee $LOG
>>>> echo "Logfile: $LOG"
>>> It would be nice if we had this as a selectable option in the bitbake
>>> wrapper somehow and it saved off logs to tmp/bitbake/logs/ or
>>> something appropriate.
>> I was having similar thoughts just after having pressed send :)
>> Given how annoying it is to not have the log when you forget to capture
>> it, I think this might actually make a reasonable default. The important
>> bits are of course already recorded in
>> tmp/blah/blah/blah/temp/log.blah.PID... but the above serves almost like
>> an index into the individual files. I'm all for logging it by default -
>> as well as collecting summary stats. I don't know if the above is the
>> best way to go about it - but a functional equivalent would be nice.
>> For all I know something like this already exists and I just haven't
>> stumbled upon it yet.
> I agree, something which actually logs what you are doing and how it was
> done rather than just the output/error logging we have at the moment
> would be a great addition. It would make it much easier to track errors
> and help pin down bugs - especially if you have taken a long winded
> route to get to a particular point.

Sounds like people would find this feature useful, can someone please
file a bug report?

Joshua Lock
        Yocto Project "Johannes factotum"
        Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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