[yocto] Observations on Yocto alpha

Borman, David david.borman at windriver.com
Thu Feb 24 11:01:04 PST 2011


I started late in the game looking at the Yocto Alpha Test, late as in yesterday morning, so I don't have much other than initial impressions.  I've built it for qemux86 and booted it up in qemu.  I'm attaching my raw notes which details the issues as I ran into them.

The short summary of issues I ran into:
1) Upstream packages that no longer exist
2) Running qemu requiring sudo access
3) qemu segfaulting due to NVIDIA libGL

My host system is FC13.  I was able to find and manually install the missing upstream packages from other sources.  The machine I was using was one I could set up sudo access, but you should be able to run qemu without requiring the TAP interface and sudo to set it up.  I worked around the libGL version by restoring the FC13 version of libGL.

When actually running the generated image, the only thing I had trouble with was that my keyboard didn't work, the mappings were all messed up.  I started the virtual keyboard and was able to use that instead.  The mouse worked fine.

One other item is that I'm generally leery of things that have me blindly source things into my shell, as it doesn't give me an easy way to undo whatever it does.  I'd prefer
	.../poky-init-build-env poky-4.0-build
be something that you run as a command and it creates a sub-shell, rather than sourcing it and having it modify my existing shell environment.  My alternative was to first create a sub-shell so that I could ^D and get back to my unmodified shell environment.

			-David Borman, david.borman at windriver.com

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