[yocto] HOB usage

Joshua Lock josh at linux.intel.com
Mon Dec 19 11:27:51 PST 2011

On 19/12/11 00:47, Ni Qingliang wrote:
> https://niqingliang2003.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/taijitu.png
> I have wrote a GUI tool for internal use, 
> is it possible to implement thus GUI tool for yocto?
> the attachement is the UI.
> every circle represents one package, the arrow between them represents
> the dependency.
> indeed, the dependency relation in this tool is defined by custom config
> file, but I think maybe I can use the relation exported from bitbake, is
> it possible or easily to implement?

In short, yes - it's possible to implement such a tool for Yocto.

BitBake has a dependency viewer GUI already, it uses a set of tables
rather than a graph of nodes - presumably because the graph is *very*
large once you get past a trivial build.

You can play with the depexp by invoking:
bitbake -g -u depexp some-build-target

Internally BitBake generates a data structure of the interdependencies
(the g switch) which by default outputs a graphviz .dot file.
The -u depexp tells BitBake to instead draw the data structure using the
depexp GUI (lib/bb/ui/depexp.py).

Extending this GUI to offer a graph view might be interesting, the
difficulty will be in helping folks navigate the enormous graph...

Joshua Lock
        Yocto Project "Johannes factotum"
        Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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