[yocto] Master stability and the autobuilder.

Tian, Kevin kevin.tian at intel.com
Wed Dec 22 23:10:43 PST 2010

>From: Elizabeth Flanagan
>Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 4:57 AM
>In preparation for the M3 milestone, I've been taking notes on what our
>build and release process is and where the pain points are over the
>course of the M2 milestone. A few things I've noted that are concerning:

Beth, thanks for sharing your observations and suggestions which are great.

>1. We have a really long build cycle. It takes a good 40 hours before
>contamination of master is recognized and a further 40 hours *at the
>very minimum* before it can be verified as corrected.
>2. We are very resource constrained. Because the build loop is so long,
>our two build slaves are essentially in use 24/7. This will be
>alleviated soon with a new build slave, but not until after the new year.
>3. There was an issue in M2 (which I'm not totally filled in on yet, I'm
>going to be pinging people for details) which caused some kernel issues
>around the M2 branch for ppc and arm. I haven't seen (and I've been
>swamped with email recently, so I may have missed it) any resolution on
>this in master.
>4. People are relying on the autobuilder to do their builds or to verify
>their code.

I think this is not true. Current guideline for distro team is to make incremental
builds for all archs and make a full build for one arch before sending out the
pull request, which however can't promise catching all potential issues. Then
Saul's distro/{master,stage} is another trampoline stage to further filter out
issues before slipping into the master. 

If this guideline is broken somehow, then we should reemphasize it.

>My main goal in M3 and on, is the stability of master. If we were less
>resource constrained, I could allow the autobuilder to be a global
>community resource where people could just queue up their various
>builds. That, unfortunately, is not the case for now. What this means is
>that I have to ask people for a few things.
>1. I'll be cleaning up the poky autobuilder config within the git repo
>and making it very developer specific so that you should be able to run
>a script and have the autobuilder set up to run incremental and fulls
>(and an optional swabber target) on your own machine and have it work
>right out of the box. Once my pull for the new autobuilder comes
>through, please, set up your own local autobuilder instance. This should
>be by the EOD today. I'll be somewhat available through the holidays to
>assist people with local machine setups, but it should be fairly

that's really cool. Could you also provide some rough data how long it may
take for the various build targets you'll suggest to run in local machine? That
data would be useful to check out which ones are feasible to ensure both
quality and also development efficiency...

>2. Please, make certain that your code builds on your local buildbot
>before submitting a pull request. As the project grows, maintaining the
>stability of master will become more and more important and the limited
>resources of our maintainers and our infrastructure will become more and
>more stretched.

Agree, we'll look into that after you send out new autobuilder script and then
we can discuss which targets are mandatory for the pull request.

>3. I've dropped this recently, due to limited time, but I'm going to
>start sending out more and more broken build emails. Please, do not
>ignore these. Act on them. If you're think you may be responsible for
>something that is broken, let people know that you recognize the
>breakage and what you're planning on doing to fix it.
>4. Until we know that master is stable (right now I know of 3 or 4
>issues, email forthcoming), the autobuilder will be tasked with a very
>limited number of buildsets. I'll be generating a milestone type build
>off of master to get some quicker response (20 hours verses 38), and
>incremental versions of milestone and sanity testing. We will still be
>running nightly (although you can't see it on the autobuilder right now)
>and distro-testing but until master is stable, those have got to be the
>priorities on the autobuilder.


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