[yocto-ab] Yocto Project Advisory Board: Minutes, 16-Jan-2013

Osier-mixon, Jeffrey jeffrey.osier-mixon at intel.com
Tue Jan 29 14:26:18 PST 2013

Yocto Project Advisory Board
16 January 2013
Dave Stewart
Richard Purdie
Bill Mills
Jason Kridner
Lieu Ta
Steve Sakoman
Philip Balister
Tracey Erway
Engineering Update
  slowdown with vacation
  merged m2 & m3 together
    m2 deadline for wayland & systemd, smart
  smart changes in
  wayland & systemd not yet
  patches on ml, not yet able to be merged
  optimistic about wayland today/tomorrow
  systemd more complex
  in meta-oe for a long time, needs to be resolved
  not mergable in that form
  sunday deadline for m3
  hope to get it in
  talk at elce, readonly rootfs hard with yocto
  some work going on in that area (rp: not quite yet)
  beth refactoring autobuilder, easier to adopt
want repeatable builds
refactoring should make it easier & clearer
    moving things to build time vs firstboot
good progress
  QA automation, rolled out testopia
  looking at automate
  eglibc conflicts with systemd changes
    prioritize systemd for now
  dependency tracking information
    don't know how much it impacts performance
  considerable interesting things going on
  kiciking off dev effort on webhob
  alex damian on tech side
  want to set up a point of discussion for interested parties
  testopia - documenting test cases
  intel, wr, huawei working together
  publicly documents test cases & methods
  people can collaborate & submit other test cases
  if interested, that's a great place to start looking
  ptest adds specific tests to recipes
  at point to start rolling out to certain recipes
  can test whether package upgrade breaks things etc
  wanted to see for a long time
  mechanism - generate additional package with makefiles & test binaries
  they are run on target in some form
  thus bash has a bash-ptest
  standard script in std place: runner
  look for runners in dirs
  need glue logic for qemu
  at least 13 YP talks at ELC, not including DevDay
  demo opportunity
  AB meeting on Weds
meal sponsorship opportunity
 planning video recording, downloadable labs

=>J: schedule meetings for year

Finance Update
see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_Project_Finances
Advocacy Update
  looking for demos

  new booth, portable and can be set up by one person
  we will have a booth at ELC
  yoctis - tiny mascots

Community Update
  website active, work still ongoing
  documentation initiatives to meet usability goals

- voting, for new members * J to contact in January
- jefro to set up meeting about membership levels in Jan

Jeff Osier-Mixon http://jefro.net/blog
Yocto Project Community Manager @Intel http://yoctoproject.org
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