[yocto-ab] upcoming face-to-face Yocto Project AB meetings

Osier-mixon, Jeffrey jeffrey.osier-mixon at intel.com
Tue Jun 26 15:55:23 PDT 2012

> For example, meeting at the end of a conference day and then heading to one of the social events seems appealing.
> At the very least, it would help encourage us to keep the meetings short!

That would end up being quite short, as conference days often end only
1/2 hour or so before the buses start rolling.

> This works for me.  I am planning to attend in person and will be booking travel shortly, so let's lock down the details soon.
> How/when do we finalize the day?

I'd like to hear from a few more AB members. I'll try contacting by
hand those who I know will be there.

You know who you are everyone - if you are going to LinuxCon and have
an interest in when the AB meeting is held, let me know ASAP. I'm
leaning toward Tuesday August 25 in the morning.

>> Similarly, for ELCE, we could meet on Sunday November 4. That would
>> mean coming to Barcelona a day early. Perhaps we could ease the pain
>> by setting up an afternoon wine-tasting tour or something similar.
> Currently, I am planning to submit a talk, or two, so I will most likely be there for ELCE.
> Personally, I'd prefer a day later in the week, or an evening meeting.
> It is also worth noting that the Yocto Dev Day is on Thursday, Nov. 8th.

An evening meeting in Barcelona would probably be ok for those dialing
in from the US. Later in the week is problematic due to DevDay, unless
AB members want to stay on through Friday.

Jeff Osier-Mixon http://jefro.net/blog
Yocto Project Community Manager @Intel http://yoctoproject.org

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