[meta-intel] CrownBay EMGD Performance for 1.4.2 in Rotation

Chad Bishop Chad.Bishop at ravenind.com
Wed Jan 22 09:22:26 PST 2014

Hello meta-intel Team,

I am writing to inquire about any known performance deficiencies when running with EMGD configured to rotate 90 degrees into portrait mode.

We have been (still) unable to rotate dynamically with xrandr and are thus configuring this statically at boot time with the xorg.conf.

With a non-compositing window manager we see the following average frame rates at 1024x768 :

Yocto - Landscape : 31.35
Yocto - Portrait : 16.35

I hate to draw comparisons, but our application (Qt 4.8.5 based) running in WES7 on the same hardware (Kontron COMe-mTT10) sees the following FPS impacts :

Windows - Landscape : 20.5
Windows - Portrait : 20.4

While this isn't blazing, it is steady and acceptable to the user.

It is a rather simple OpenGL scene.  We are using OpenGL and not OpenGL ES at the moment.

Thank you for your consideration of this question.

Best Regards,
Chad Bishop
Raven Industries

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