[meta-freescale] from where to start to port some patches to a newer kernel

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo mail at webthatworks.it
Tue Oct 20 15:54:43 PDT 2015

I'm playing with an imx28evk based board.

The manufacturer supports just the old freescale kernel and and I have 
their layer to make it work in Yocto.
They didn't define a new board, they just patched the bsp of imx28evk.

I'd like to get an idea about how hard it could be to port those patches 
to a newer kernel.
Which kernel would you suggest?

What procedure do you suggest to set up a dev environment that will let 
me try start hacking easily?

I was thinking about:
* creating a copy of their layer, getting rid of their kernel patches
* uncomment
   PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-fslc"
   PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-fslc = "3.%"
   in local.conf
* build image-core-minimal
* start to add their ported patch back in the copy of their layer.

Hoping that once I start they will join.


Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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