[meta-freescale] Chromium layout rendering issue

Gary Thomas gary at mlbassoc.com
Fri May 8 15:47:27 PDT 2015

On 2015-05-08 06:49, Otavio Salvador wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 11:41 PM, Nikolay Dimitrov <picmaster at mail.bg> wrote:
> ...
>> So I have 2 questions:
>> 1. The probability that someone knows what's the actual issue is close
>> to minus infinity, but at least did someone observed similar behavior?
>> If needed, I can snap photos to visually demonstrate the issue.
> I have customers using it in Dizzy and I didn't see the error. Please
> check today's meta-browser as I merged a fix from Khem which address
> some installation issues.
>> 2. Chromium on sabresd & fido gave me at least 1 interesting warning
>> about GPU being frozen and pending reset in 10s. I haven't seen such
>> error, but this makes me highly concerned about porting my stuff to
>> fido. Did someone see such error messages?
> Prabhu?

I just rebuilt Chrome with the latest meta-browser (and meta-fsl-arm-*)
There are many rendering problems on the Google main page and then I
get these errors:

[872:872:0508/165904:ERROR:image_metadata_extractor.cc(111)] Couldn't load libexif.
[896:896:0508/165907:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(301)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process
Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value 9(i)
[958:958:0508/165913:ERROR:image_metadata_extractor.cc(111)] Couldn't load libexif.
[870:890:0508/165930:ERROR:channel.cc(258)] RawChannel read error (connection broken)
[896:906:0508/165943:ERROR:gpu_watchdog_thread.cc(253)] The GPU process hung. Terminating after 10000 ms.
[870:870:0508/165943:ERROR:gpu_channel_host.cc(185)] Failed to send GpuChannelMsg_CreateOffscreenCommandBuffer.
[870:870:0508/165943:ERROR:webgraphicscontext3d_command_buffer_impl.cc(230)] Failed to initialize command buffer.
[1005:1006:0508/165955:ERROR:gpu_watchdog_thread.cc(253)] The GPU process hung. Terminating after 10000 ms.
getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE) failed
getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE) failed

This is on a board using the Boundary Devices 3.10.53 kernel
(I don't have a board here that runs a "pure" FSLC kernel)
but as far as I can tell the BD kernel is the FSLC kernel
with some of their own patches, mostly to do with cameras.

Anything I can look for/test?

Also note that this kernel has lots of [rendering] problems
with other applications.  For example, if I run the new Gstreamer-1.0
based "media player" to play a video, it will bring up the window but
not render any video frames or sometimes render a few and then freeze.

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world

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