[meta-freescale] Graphic issue with weston + qtwayland

Benjamin Federau benjamin.federau at basyskom.com
Wed Apr 15 05:51:21 PDT 2015

Benjamin Federau <benjamin.federau at basyskom.com> , 14.04.2015 12:18:


I have tested a very simple Qml app (red rectangle) with weston + qtwayland (5.4.1) and see now a graphic issue when resizing the window to the top or bottom of the screen. 
I run the Qml app with: /usr/bin/qt5/qmlscene -platform wayland-egl test.qml

window with graphic glitch:

window without glitch:

The glitch doesn't appear all the time when resizing the window. After some resize steps its gone and after some more resize steps it is visible again, and so on ...

Did anybody see such graphical issue with weston + qtwayland too?

For some further testing I switched from dizzy to the master branches of oe and meta-fsl-arm layers, because I saw that there is a new vivante graphic lib version / recipe in the master of meta-fsl-arm.
With these new graphic libs the graphic issue I described above is gone now.

Benjamin Federau

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