[meta-freescale] HDMI on i.MX6

Eric Nelson eric.nelson at boundarydevices.com
Mon Jun 2 14:03:23 PDT 2014

Hi Gary,

On 06/02/2014 01:07 PM, Gary Thomas wrote:
> I have some questions about HDMI display on i.MX6, the
> SabreLite / Nitrogen6x in particular.
> When I boot with my HDMI monitor attached, U-Boot finds it
> and tells me:
>    auto-detected panel HDMI
>    Display: HDMI (1024x768)

This is done because the display clocking is currently wonky
in U-Boot (you can have any frequency as long as it's the same
as the Hannstar display).

> Then Linux is booted with these arguments:
>    video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1280x720M at 60,if=RGB24

;) We chose that resolution just to mess with you.

This is currently hard-coded in the boot script here:


> I know that these parameters come from the boot script, but
> they seem to be hard coded.  What if I wanted different display
> parameters?  These values don't seem to work very well for my
> monitor - stuff is being cut off on all edges.  Perhaps my
> monitior isn't the best so I'd like some guidance on how to
> tune things.  I've attached a picture of the actual screen
> so you can see what I mean.

No problem. You can figure out what resolution works well with
your display by echo'ing values to /sys/class/graphics/fb0/mode
(cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/modes for the values supported
by your monitor).

Then you can update the boot script .txt file and convert to
binary using this tool:


In order to integrate with a Yocto build, you'll want to
generate a patch that overrides things in u-boot-script-boundary:



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