[meta-freescale] Gstreamer pipeline problem

John Weber rjohnweber at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 17:22:42 PDT 2013

Hi Chris,

> gst-launch videotestsrc ! v4l2sink
> to work as there's no /dev/video1 ! Does anyone know where I can find instructions on how to get v4l2 working under Ubuntu 12.04 for a radeon HD 5450 card? Google has not been my friend ;-)

/dev/video1 is created when you have an actual video input like a video decoder 
or camera or UVC camera and it would be used with v4l2src (or in the case of 
i.MX6 CSI, mfw_v4lsrc).

videotestsrc should not need a video input device to work though as it is 
creates its own video data.  What is the error you are seeing?

What is your setup?  Board? Yocto version?  Yocto image?


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