[Automated-testing] fraud check failure for list error

Bird, Timothy Tim.Bird at sony.com
Tue Oct 31 10:09:20 PDT 2017

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the noise, but I'm getting a notification in Outlook (sorry, corporate e-mail client)
on e-mails received from the automated-testing at yoctoproject.org list, as follows:

At the top of the message, I see:
[This sender failed our fraud detection checks and may not be who they
appear to be. Learn about spoofing at http://aka.ms/LearnAboutSpoofing]

Does anyone else see this (or some related) error?

I'm guessing there's some SPF rule missing for the hosting server for the mail list
(but I'm not an e-mail guru, so I'm just guessing).

It doesn't bother me.  I still get the messages.  I just wouldn't want some future Outlook policy
change to start dropping messages instead of just adding the warning, if there is some fix
that could be applied to the list.  Also, I'm worried about messages actually getting through
to new subscribers to the list, interested in the board farm stuff.

(Please let me know if you didn't get this message. ;-)
 -- Tim

P.S. This e-mail is something of a test message, to verify the behavior I saw on other
messages.  You can ignore it if you don't see any problems.

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