[yocto] Bash-based build tool/environment u2up-yocto

Samo Pogačnik samo_pogacnik at t-2.net
Mon Jun 17 11:51:22 PDT 2019


I am new to the yocto mailing list and i would like to share my bash-based
tool/environment to build a yocto-based linux distribution. The tool/environment
is called u2up-yocto and can be found here: https://github.com/spog/u2up-yocto

Using u2up-yocto, i tried to achieve a few goals:
1) being able to build some default poky machine/image targets out-of-the-box
without manually creating specific build configuration.

2) being able to extend default functionality by adding external/internal
layers, git repos and additional local configuration without modifying any
released u2up-yocto files.

You are welcome to check two sample projects, using u2up-yocto:
- https://github.com/spog/meta-u2up-homegw.git
- https://github.com/spog/meta-u2up-pc-installer.git

3) define a new distro name

4) provide a simple common (cross-projects) downloads and shared-sstate

best regards, samo

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