[yocto] do_rootfs fails while attempting to install hostapd package

Morné Lamprecht morne at linux.com
Mon Jun 3 07:05:46 PDT 2019

>Which startup system do you use (sysVinit or 
>systemd)? You can take a look at 
>poky/meta/classed/update-rc.d.bbclass which 
>checks various parameters and try to debug it 
>(by adding some printouts). By my guess is that 
>some misconfiguration between systemd/sysvinit 
>must cause this issue.

Adding DISTRO_FEATURES_remove += " sysvinit" to 
my distro conf file, solved the problem.

"sysvinit" in my config (also had it during the 
failed builds), I thought it would prevent 
sysvinit from being added/backfilled to the 
DISTRO features ? So I'm not sure why 
DISTRO_FEATURES_remove is also required in this 
case ?

		- Morné

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