[yocto] Using FreeRADIUS on Yocto?

Anandpura, Shuchi [US] (AS) Shuchi.Anandpura at ngc.com
Mon Jul 30 18:30:21 PDT 2018

Hi everyone!

I couldn't find this too easily on the internet, but I was wondering if Yocto supports freeRADIUS. I know that Xilinx does not, but I have never used Yocto (or even heard of it pretty recently), so I'm not fully aware of its capabilities and limitations.

If anybody has any insight on this, could you please let me know? I apologize if this is the wrong mailing list for this.

Thank you so much!

Shuchi Anandpura
shuchi.anandpura at ngc.com<mailto:shuchi.anandpura at ngc.com>

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