[yocto] Creating a recipe for python3-pillow

Oliver Westermann owestermann at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 06:53:44 PDT 2018

Am Fr., 6. Juli 2018 um 15:13 Uhr schrieb Burton, Ross <
ross.burton at intel.com>:

> Move your DEPENDS up, as the inherits are setting up DEPENDS with
> python3-native python3-setuptools-native, and you're overwriting it.
> Put the DEPENDS after PYI_PACKAGE but before inherit.
> Ross

One step further :) It now compiles...and fails. Interestingly it raises an
Exception missing the jpeg library. I found the libjpeg.so and header
files, so i enabled the debug info of setup.py. This reveals some
strange-for-me details:

| [other messages where it searched for libjpeg.h]
| Checking for include file jpeglib.h in /usr/include
| Found jpeglib.h
| Couldn't find library jpeg in
'/usr/local/lib', '/usr/lib', '/lib']

So a find | grep jpeg revealed that the library files for jpeg are placed
in recipe-sysroot/usr/lib/, while zlib places librarys
in recipe-sysroot/usr/lib and recipe-sysroot-native/usr/lib.
Some googling didn't provide an answer, just more confusion :O

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