[yocto] bitbake failed during build of openjdk-8 using meta-linaro aarm64

Szczypta, Marek Marek.Szczypta at assaabloy.com
Fri Apr 6 04:39:13 PDT 2018


I'm building the openjdk-8 from (openjdk-8_0.1.bb) linaro aarm64. But actually the build failed. I saw similar problem last year but there was no solution to that . Is this build working at all ?

WARNING: mpfr-native-3.1.5-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.5/mpfr-3.1.5.tar.xz, attempting MIRRORS if available

WARNING: libmpc-native-1.0.3-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL http://www.multiprecision.org/mpc/download/mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz, attempting MIRRORS if available

WARNING: libpng-native-1.6.28-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL http://distfiles.gentoo.org/distfiles/libpng-1.6.28.tar.xz, attempting MIRRORS if available

ERROR: openjdk-8-jre-0.1-r16.0 do_fetch: Error executing a python function in exec_python_func() autogenerated:

The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:

File: 'exec_python_func() autogenerated', lineno: 2, function: <module>


 *** 0002:base_do_fetch(d)


File: '/home/marszc/.../.../build-rpb/conf/../../layers/openembedded-core/meta/classes/base.bbclass', lineno: 153, function: base_do_fetch

     0149:    if len(src_uri) == 0:

     0150:        return


     0152:    try:

 *** 0153:        fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, d)

     0154:        fetcher.download()

     0155:    except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException as e:

     0156:        bb.fatal(str(e))


File: '/home/marszc/.../bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py', lineno: 1565, function: __init__


     1562:        for url in urls:

     1563:            if url not in self.ud:

     1564:                try:

 *** 1565:                    self.ud[url] = FetchData(url, d, localonly)

     1566:                except NonLocalMethod:

     1567:                    if localonly:

     1568:                        self.ud[url] = None

     1569:                        pass

File: '/home/marszc/.../bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py', lineno: 1244, function: __init__

     1240:            logger.warning('Consider updating %s recipe to use "protocol" not "proto" in SRC_URI.', d.getVar('PN'))

     1241:            self.parm["protocol"] = self.parm.get("proto", None)


     1243:        if hasattr(self.method, "urldata_init"):

 *** 1244:            self.method.urldata_init(self, d)


     1246:        if "localpath" in self.parm:

     1247:            # if user sets localpath for file, use it instead.

     1248:            self.localpath = self.parm["localpath"]

File: '/home/marszc/.../bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/hg.py', lineno: 69, function: urldata_init

     0065:            ud.proto = 'file'

     0066:        else:

     0067:            ud.proto = "hg"


 *** 0069:        ud.setup_revisions(d)


     0071:        if 'rev' in ud.parm:

     0072:            ud.revision = ud.parm['rev']

     0073:        elif not ud.revision:

File: '/home/marszc/.../bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py', lineno: 1274, function: setup_revisions


     1271:    def setup_revisions(self, d):

     1272:        self.revisions = {}

     1273:        for name in self.names:

 *** 1274:            self.revisions[name] = srcrev_internal_helper(self, d, name)


     1276:        # add compatibility code for non name specified case

     1277:        if len(self.names) == 1:

     1278:            self.revision = self.revisions[self.names[0]]

File: '/home/marszc/.../bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py', lineno: 1139, function: srcrev_internal_helper


     1136:    if srcrev == "INVALID" or not srcrev:

     1137:        raise FetchError("Please set a valid SRCREV for url %s (possible key names are %s, or use a ;rev=X URL parameter)" % (str(attempts), ud.url), ud.url)

     1138:    if srcrev == "AUTOINC":

 *** 1139:        srcrev = ud.method.latest_revision(ud, d, name)


     1141:    return srcrev


     1143:def get_checksum_file_list(d):

File: '/home/marszc/.../bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py', lineno: 1530, function: latest_revision

     1526:        if not hasattr(self, "_latest_revision"):

     1527:            raise ParameterError("The fetcher for this URL does not support _latest_revision", url)


     1529:        revs = bb.persist_data.persist('BB_URI_HEADREVS', d)

 *** 1530:        key = self.generate_revision_key(ud, d, name)

     1531:        try:

     1532:            return revs[key]

     1533:        except KeyError:

     1534:            revs[key] = rev = self._latest_revision(ud, d, name)

File: '/home/marszc/.../bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py', lineno: 1542, function: generate_revision_key

     1538:        latest_rev = self._build_revision(ud, d, name)

     1539:        return True, str(latest_rev)


     1541:    def generate_revision_key(self, ud, d, name):

 *** 1542:        key = self._revision_key(ud, d, name)

     1543:        return "%s-%s" % (key, d.getVar("PN") or "")


     1545:class Fetch(object):

     1546:    def __init__(self, urls, d, cache = True, localonly = False, connection_cache = None):

File: '/home/marszc/.../bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/hg.py', lineno: 234, function: _revision_key

     0230:    def _revision_key(self, ud, d, name):

     0231:        """

     0232:        Return a unique key for the url

     0233:        """

 *** 0234:        return "hg:" + ud.moddir


     0236:    def build_mirror_data(self, ud, d):

     0237:        # Generate a mirror tarball if needed

     0238:        if ud.write_tarballs == "1" and not os.path.exists(ud.fullmirror):

Exception: AttributeError: 'FetchData' object has no attribute 'moddir'

ERROR: openjdk-8-jre-0.1-r16.0 do_fetch: Function failed: base_do_fetch

ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/marszc/.../.../build-rpb/tmp-glibc/work/aarch64-linaro-linux/openjdk-8-jre/0.1-r16.0/temp/log.do_fetch.1061

ERROR: Task (/home/marszc/.../.../build-rpb/conf/../../layers/meta-linaro/meta-aarch64/recipes-core/openjdk/openjdk-8_0.1.bb:do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'
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