[yocto] meta-java on Raspberry Pi 3

Francesco Giancane francescogiancane8 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 05:41:14 PDT 2017

Hi everyone,

I am having troubles building an image for the Raspberry Pi 3 including Java.

I did the all the standard operations (layer configuration, machine
configuration etc) but eventually bitbake will fail on openjre-8.

Looking at the meta-java in depth I found that the source of failure
is located in ant-native; because it is required to properly build
openjdk till version 8.

Problems are located in build dependencies like classpath-native,
jaxp1.3-native, all required to build ant-native. It seems that the
bootstrap javac tool installed from ecj-bootstrap-native is broken (it
reports a core dump).

Is anyone having the same issues? Can you tell me something about that?

Thank you,

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