[yocto] Yocto Project Status WW22’17

Daniel Dickinson cshore at thecshore.com
Tue May 30 16:28:56 PDT 2017

Hi Stephen,

I haven't been participating much (created some layers, but since this
is a spare time thing for me, and 'because: life' I've not had chance
to do much with them (also haven't noticed any comments about them, so
probably not really interesting to anyone else), but for the below:

> ·        Patches are flowing into master but rate limited due to team
> travel/vacation. We’re continuing to see patch quality issues which
> is limiting the flow.

Would it help to have a tiered system (and lists) for patches with
folks starting on the lower tier where someone from the upper tier
reviews and works with the lower tier to get the patches right, while
patches from upper tier contributors that tend to be good, get peer
review, but are a) given more immediate attention (in recognition of
the fact that the patch is likely already good to go, or a good thing
to discuss), and lower tier patches are a lower priority for getting
into tree, because they're more likely to break things (obviously with
committers moving between tiers based on history; a lower tier can
prove themselves and an upper tier can have issues that lead to needing
to deprioritize them (but why should be explained, even if it involves
uncomfortable conflict, rather than just a silent suppression).



> [If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on
> this weekly status update, let us know!]
> Thanks,

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