[yocto] Warning: unable to open an initial console

Gerard van den Bosch gvandenbosch at gmail.com
Fri May 26 04:05:24 PDT 2017


I have build my vendor custom kernel 2.6.20 with yocto daisy.
Daisy is used because seems to be last release supporting this old kernel.

I tried building core-image-minimal and core-image-base.

The kernel boots and the rootfs is mounted but then I get:

"Warning: unable to open an initial console."

I found on the internet this is because "/dev/console" doesn't exists.
The dev folder in my generated rootfs is empty.

On internet found can do the following commands:
"mknod -m 600 /dev/console c 5 1 "
"mknod -m 666 /dev/null c 1 3"

But if this is the problem how do I add this to my recipe?
Or is there a proper way to populate this devices?

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