[yocto] unmodified binary RPM installed on rootfs?

Russell Peterson bluehills7 at comcast.net
Mon May 22 17:16:44 PDT 2017

Thanks for the response, Alex.

I took your advice and have a fairly simple recipe working now.  Basically it unpacks the binary rpm and then reforms a new rpm.  Seems to work fairly well but I have yet to fully test it.  I do like this solution in that the rpm dependencies are checked which is nice (I was using —nodeps previously).

Of course, I decided to go for the gold and attempt to get this recipe to handle a binary .tgz file that contains itself multiple rpm files (one is binary, the other is a source rpm for the kernel modules).  I added a do_unpack_extra function to do an rpm2cpio | cpio operation on the binary rpm… and now see cpio malformed errors.  My guess is the rpm uses compression… but shouldn’t the rpm2cpio handle that??

Thanks again for the advice.


> On May 22, 2017, at 8:59 AM, Alexander Kanavin <alexander.kanavin at linux.intel.com> wrote:
> On 05/22/2017 02:43 AM, Russell Peterson wrote:
>> I am fairly new to yocto and I think I’m having trouble installing an
>> RPM on the rootfs. What I am trying to do is install an arm64 binary RPM
>> file straight onto the root file system without a recipe… just use the
>> native rpm tool to put it there.  There are several reasons why I’m
>> experimenting with this.  Seems fairly simple but I have now been
>> messing around for days with little to show for it.  Here is what I’m doing…
> Yocto does not currently support installing 3rd party RPMs. Even if it would install, whatever contents it has would very likely not work due to mismatches between the environment where the rpm was built and the environment where you are installing it. And --nodeps would only make the problem worse.
> You have to write a recipe.
> Alex

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