[yocto] Trying to build a xen-image-minimal with petalinux v2016.4

Pello Heriz pello.heriz at alumni.mondragon.edu
Thu May 18 01:08:56 PDT 2017

Hi all,

I'm trying to build a xen-image-minimal using petalinux v2016.4 following
the steps that are given in the ug1144 documentation. Anyway, when it
starts to execute the bitbake, it shows the next errors making the building

generalelectric at mlan11214m117linux:/opt/xen_test$ petalinux-build -c
[INFO] building xen-image-minimal
[INFO] sourcing bitbake
INFO: bitbake xen-image-minimal
Loading cache: 100% |############################################| ETA:
Loaded 2940 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% |##########################################| Time:
Parsing of 2327 .bb files complete (2291 cached, 36 parsed). 2942 targets,
195 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
NOTE: Preparing RunQueue
NOTE: Checking sstate mirror object availability (for 320 objects)
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
WARNING: xen-4.7.0+gitAUTOINC+b49f2bffb7-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL
git://github.com/Xilinx/xen.git;protocol=https, attempting MIRRORS if
WARNING: libglu-2_9.0.0-0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL
ftp://ftp.freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/glu/glu-9.0.0.tar.bz2, attempting
MIRRORS if available
ERROR: xen-4.7.0+gitAUTOINC+b49f2bffb7-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Unable
to find revision b49f2bffb7fb64eb8e9835161afeaca642ad0bac in branch master
even from upstream
ERROR: xen-4.7.0+gitAUTOINC+b49f2bffb7-r0 do_fetch: Function failed:
Fetcher failure for URL: 'git://github.com/Xilinx/xen.git;protocol=https'.
Unable to fetch URL from any source.
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
ERROR: Task 345
xen_4.7.0.bb, do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2437 tasks of which 2421 didn't need to be
rerun and 1 failed.
Waiting for 0 running tasks to finish:

Summary: 1 task failed:

xen_4.7.0.bb, do_fetch
Summary: There were 2 WARNING messages shown.
Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
ERROR: Failed to build xen-image-minimal
webtalk failed:PetaLinux statistics:extra lines detected:notsent_nofile!
webtalk failed:Failed to get PetaLinux usage statistics!
generalelectric at mlan11214m117linux:/opt/xen_test$

Can anybody tell me how can I solve the problem?

Any answer will be welcome,
Best regards,
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