[yocto] [patchtest-oe][PATCH] tests: modifies pylint check in the test suite

daniela.plascencia at linux.intel.com daniela.plascencia at linux.intel.com
Fri Feb 17 13:52:36 PST 2017

From: Daniela Plascencia <daniela.plascencia at linux.intel.com>

Changes pylint's check current logic using dictionaries and sets for easy
operations between pretest and test pylint results. The failing message is
now formatted so it is easier for the user to locate errors encountered
by the check.

[YOCTO #10789]

Signed-off-by: Daniela Plascencia <daniela.plascencia at linux.intel.com>
 tests/test_python_pylint.py | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/test_python_pylint.py b/tests/test_python_pylint.py
index ea889a6..b61c31d 100644
--- a/tests/test_python_pylint.py
+++ b/tests/test_python_pylint.py
@@ -18,56 +18,57 @@
 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 import base
-import re
 import patchtestdata
 import pylint.epylint as lint
 class PyLint(base.Base):
-    pythonpatches = []
+    pythonpatches  = []
+    pylint_pretest = {}
+    pylint_test    = {}
+    pylint_options = " -E --disable='E0611, E1101, F0401, E0602' --msg-template='L:{line} F:{path} I:{msg}'"
     def setUpClassLocal(cls):
         # get just those patches touching python files
+        cls.pythonpatches = []
         for patch in cls.patchset:
             if patch.path.endswith('.py'):
-                cls.pythonpatches.append(patch)
+                if not patch.is_removed_file:
+                    cls.pythonpatches.append(patch)
     def setUp(self):
-        self.skip('Pending for Yocto #10789]')
         if self.unidiff_parse_error:
             self.skip([('Python-unidiff parse error', self.unidiff_parse_error)])
         if not patchtestdata.PatchTestInput.repo.canbemerged:
-            self.skip('Patch cannot be merged, no reason to execute the test method')
+            self.skipTest('Patch cannot be merged, no reason to execute the test method')
         if not PyLint.pythonpatches:
-            self.skip('No python related patches, skipping test')
+            self.skipTest('No python related patches, skipping test')
     def pretest_pylint(self):
-        patchtestdata.PatchTestDataStore['pylint_pretest'] = list()
         for pythonpatch in self.pythonpatches:
             if pythonpatch.is_modified_file:
-                (pylint_stdout, pylint_stderr) = lint.py_run(pythonpatch.path, return_std=True)
-                patchtestdata.PatchTestDataStore['pylint_pretest'].extend(pylint_stdout.readlines())
+                (pylint_stdout, pylint_stderr) = lint.py_run(command_options = pythonpatch.path + self.pylint_options, return_std=True)
+                for line in pylint_stdout.readlines():
+                    if not '*' in line:
+                        if line.strip():
+                            self.pylint_pretest[line.strip().split(' ',1)[0]] = line.strip().split(' ',1)[1]
     def test_pylint(self):
-        patchtestdata.PatchTestDataStore['pylint_test'] = list()
         for pythonpatch in self.pythonpatches:
-            (pylint_stdout, pylint_stderr) = lint.py_run(pythonpatch.path, return_std=True)
-            patchtestdata.PatchTestDataStore['pylint_test'].extend(pylint_stdout.readlines())
-        # Removing line numbers of pylint log so system focus just on introduced issues
-        pylint_pretest = [re.sub(':\d+:', ':', pyline) for pyline in patchtestdata.PatchTestDataStore['pylint_pretest']]
-        pylint_test    = [re.sub(':\d+:', ':', pyline) for pyline in patchtestdata.PatchTestDataStore['pylint_test']]
-        while pylint_pretest:
-            pretest = pylint_pretest.pop(0)
-            try:
-                pylint_test.remove(pretest)
-            except ValueError as ve:
-                base.logger.warn('Line %s not found on pylint_test lines' % pretest)
-        if pylint_test:
-            self.fail('Pylint found issues on your proposed change',
-                      'Check your modified python lines with pylint, specially those lines introduced by your patch',
-                      data=[('Output', pylint_test[0].strip()), ('',''.join(pylint_test[1:]))])
+            # a condition checking whether a file is renamed or not
+            # unidiff doesn't support this yet
+            if pythonpatch.target_file is not pythonpatch.path:
+                path = pythonpatch.target_file[2:]
+            else:
+                path = pythonpatch.path
+            (pylint_stdout, pylint_stderr) = lint.py_run(command_options = path + self.pylint_options, return_std=True)
+            for line in pylint_stdout.readlines():
+                    if not '*' in line:
+                        if line.strip():
+                            self.pylint_test[line.strip().split(' ',1)[0]] = line.strip().split(' ',1)[1]
+        for issue in self.pylint_test:
+             if self.pylint_test[issue] not in self.pylint_pretest.values():
+                 self.fail('Errors in your Python code were encountered',
+                           'Correct the lines introduced by your patch',
+                           data=[('Output', 'Please, fix the listed issues:'), ('', issue + ' ' + self.pylint_test[issue])])

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