[yocto] sysroot question

Gary Thomas gary at mlbassoc.com
Wed Feb 8 03:12:25 PST 2017

On 2017-02-08 11:42, Gary Thomas wrote:
> I had a recipe that used to work and now fails after the change
> to the split sysroots.  I'm building an out-of-tree kernel module
> and patterned my recipe after the meta-skeleton example. My recipe
> has this setup:
> inherit module-base kernel-module-split
> do_compile() {
>     oe_runmake KERNEL_PATH=${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}   \
>            CC="${KERNEL_CC}" LD="${KERNEL_LD}" \
>            AR="${KERNEL_AR}" \
>                O=${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR} \
>            install
> }
> The problem is that ${CC} (arm-amltd-linux-gnueabi-gcc) can no longer be
> found.  I know it's available, just not sure what needs to change to be
> able to find it.
> $ find tmp/work/teton_p7618-amltd-linux-gnueabi/my-module/ -name "arm*gcc"
> tmp/work/teton_p7618-amltd-linux-gnueabi/my-module/5.2.2-r2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/libexec/arm-amltd-linux-gnueabi/gcc/arm-amltd-linux-gnueabi/5.4.0/arm-amltd-linux-gnueabi-gcc
> tmp/work/teton_p7618-amltd-linux-gnueabi/my-module/5.2.2-r2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/arm-amltd-linux-gnueabi/arm-amltd-linux-gnueabi-gcc
> Any suggestions on how I fix this?
> Thanks

It looks like the failure is actually happening in a class method (make_scripts)
My recipe also contains this
   addtask make_scripts after do_patch before do_compile
which doesn't seem to be setting the ${PATH} correctly anymore.

Any ideas what might be missing?

Note: just moving the call to do_make_scripts to the top of do_compile
instead of running it as a separate task fixes the problem.

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world

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