[yocto] [auh][PATCH 20/21] testimage.py: rewrite the logic for building and running testimages

Alexander Kanavin alexander.kanavin at linux.intel.com
Thu Dec 21 08:27:28 PST 2017

1) determine per-package if ptest is supported, and add to the list
of packages to install accordingly
2) remove broken code that finds image logs in the build directory;
this will be replaced in the following commit
3) remove code that parses said logs for specific package failures;
this is prone to mistmatches and is best left to a human.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Kanavin <alexander.kanavin at linux.intel.com>
 modules/testimage.py | 115 +++++----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/testimage.py b/modules/testimage.py
index d2479f5..699d619 100644
--- a/modules/testimage.py
+++ b/modules/testimage.py
@@ -50,129 +50,34 @@ class TestImage():
         self.image = image
         os.environ['BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE'] = os.environ['BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE'] + \
-    def _get_pkgs_to_install(self, pkgs, ptest=False):
+    def _get_pkgs_to_install(self, pkgs):
         pkgs_out = []
-        # for provide access to the target
-        if ptest:
-            pkgs_out.append("dropbear")
-            pkgs_out.append("ptest-runner")
         for c in pkgs:
-        return ' '.join(pkgs_out)
-    def _parse_ptest_log(self, log_file):
-        ptest_results = {}
-        with open(log_file, "r") as f:
-            pn = None
-            processing = False
-            for line in f:
-                if not processing:
-                    m = re.search("^BEGIN: /usr/lib/(.*)/ptest$", line)
-                    if m:
-                        pn = m.group(1)
-                        ptest_results[pn] = []
-                        processing = True
-                else:
-                    m = re.search("^END: $", line)
-                    if m:
-                        pn = None
-                        processing = False
-                    else:
-                        ptest_results[pn].append(line)
-        return ptest_results
-    def _find_log(self, name, machine):
-        result = []
-        base_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('BUILDDIR'), 'tmp', 'work')
-        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir):
-            if name in files:
-                result.append(os.path.join(root, name))
-        D("Found logs named %s for machine %s: %s" %(name, machine, result))
-        for ptest_log in result:
-            if machine in ptest_log:
-                D("Picked log: %s" %(ptest_log))
-                return ptest_log
-    def _get_failed_recipe(self, log):
-        pn = None
-        for line in log.splitlines():
-            m = re.match("ERROR: QA Issue: ([^ :]*): (.*) not shipped", line)
-            if m:
-                pn = m.group(1)
-                break
-            m = re.match("ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: " \
-                "(.*/([^/]*)/[^/]*/temp/log\.(.*)\.[0-9]*)", line)
-            if m:
-                pn = m.group(2)
-                break
-        return pn
-    def _handle_image_build_error(self, image, pkgs_ctx, e):
-        pn = self._get_failed_recipe(e.stdout)
-        if pn and pn != image:
-            pkg_ctx = _pn_in_pkgs_ctx(pn, pkgs_ctx)
-            if pkg_ctx:
-                raise IntegrationError(e.stdout, pkg_ctx)
+            I(" Checking if package {} has ptests...".format(c['PN']))
+            if 'PTEST_ENABLED' in self.bb.env(c['PN']):
+                I("  ...yes")
+                pkgs_out.append((c['PN']) + '-ptest')
-                pn_env = self.bb.env(pn)
-                depends = pn_env['DEPENDS'].split()
-                rdepends = pn_env['RDEPENDS'].split()
-                deps = depends + rdepends
+                I("  ...no")
-                for d in deps:
-                    pkg_ctx = _pn_in_pkgs_ctx(d, pkgs_ctx)
-                    if pkg_ctx:
-                        raise IntegrationError(e.stdout, pkg_ctx)
-        raise e
+        return ' '.join(pkgs_out)
     def testimage(self, pkgs_ctx, machine, image):
         os.environ['CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL'] = \
-        if 'TEST_SUITES' in os.environ:
-            del os.environ['TEST_SUITES']
+        I( " Installing additional packages to the image: {}".format(os.environ['CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL']))
         I( "   building %s for %s ..." % (image, machine))
-        try:
-            self.bb.complete(image, machine)
-        except Error as e:
-            self._handle_image_build_error(image, pkgs_ctx, e)
+        self.bb.complete(image, machine)
         I( "   running %s/testimage for %s ..." % (image, machine))
         self.bb.complete("%s -c testimage" % image, machine)
-        log_file = self._find_log("log.do_testimage", machine)
-        shutil.copyfile(log_file,
-                os.path.join(self.uh_work_dir, "log_%s.do_testimage" % machine))
-        for pkg_ctx in pkgs_ctx:
-            if not 'testimage' in pkg_ctx:
-                pkg_ctx['testimage'] = {}
-            if not 'testimage_log' in pkg_ctx:
-                pkg_ctx['testimage_log'] = os.path.join(
-                    pkg_ctx['workdir'], "log.do_testimage")
-            pkg_ctx['testimage'][machine] = True
-            with open(log_file, "r") as lf:
-                with open(pkg_ctx['testimage_log'], "a+") as of:
-                    of.write("BEGIN: TESTIMAGE for %s\n" % machine)
-                    for line in lf:
-                        of.write(line)
-                    of.write("END: TESTIMAGE for %s\n" % machine)
     def run(self):
         machine = self.opts['machines'][0]
         I("  Testing image for %s ..." % machine)

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