[yocto] [auh][PATCH 10/20] modules/recipe: remove

Alexander Kanavin alexander.kanavin at linux.intel.com
Thu Dec 14 08:35:50 PST 2017

From: Alexander Kanavin <alex.kanavin at gmail.com>

The hand-crafted recipe updating/rewriting has been replaced by calling devtool.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Kanavin <alex.kanavin at gmail.com>
 modules/recipe/__init__.py |   0
 modules/recipe/base.py     | 724 ---------------------------------------------
 modules/recipe/git.py      |  98 ------
 modules/recipe/svn.py      |  28 --
 4 files changed, 850 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 modules/recipe/__init__.py
 delete mode 100644 modules/recipe/base.py
 delete mode 100644 modules/recipe/git.py
 delete mode 100644 modules/recipe/svn.py

diff --git a/modules/recipe/__init__.py b/modules/recipe/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/modules/recipe/base.py b/modules/recipe/base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3798577..0000000
--- a/modules/recipe/base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,724 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et:
-# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Intel Corporation
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-# Laurentiu Palcu   <laurentiu.palcu at intel.com>
-# Marius Avram      <marius.avram at intel.com>
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import logging as log
-from logging import debug as D
-from logging import info as I
-from logging import warning as W
-from errors import *
-from utils.bitbake import *
-def is_recipe_or_include_file(env, full_path_f, f):
-    is_file = os.path.isfile(full_path_f)
-    is_recipe = f.find(env['PN']) == 0 and \
-                f.find(env['PKGV']) != -1 and \
-                f.find(".bb") != -1
-    is_include = f.find(env['PN']) == 0 and \
-                 f.find(".inc") != -1
-    return is_file and (is_recipe or is_include)
-def modify_recipe_files(func):
-    def modify(env, recipe_dir, *args, **kwargs):
-        for f in os.listdir(recipe_dir):
-            full_path_f = os.path.join(recipe_dir, f)
-            if is_recipe_or_include_file(env, full_path_f, f):
-                with open(full_path_f + ".tmp", "w+") as temp_recipe:
-                    with open(full_path_f) as recipe:
-                        for line in recipe:
-                            func(line, temp_recipe, *args, **kwargs)
-                os.rename(full_path_f + ".tmp", full_path_f)
-    return modify
-def read_recipe_files(func):
-    def read(env, recipe_dir):
-        for f in os.listdir(recipe_dir):
-            full_path_f = os.path.join(recipe_dir, f)
-            if is_recipe_or_include_file(env, full_path_f, f):
-                with open(full_path_f) as recipe:
-                    for line in recipe:
-                        func(line)
-    return read
-class Recipe(object):
-    def __init__(self, env, new_ver, interactive, workdir, recipe_dir, bitbake, git):
-        self.env = env
-        self.new_ver = new_ver
-        self.interactive = interactive
-        self.workdir = workdir
-        self.recipe_dir = recipe_dir
-        self.bb = bitbake
-        self.bb.set_log_dir(workdir)
-        self.git = git
-        self.retried_recipes = set()
-        self.license_diff_file = None
-        self.recipes_renamed = False
-        self.checksums_changed = False
-        self.removed_patches = False
-        self.suffixes = [
-            "tar.gz", "tgz", "zip", "tar.bz2", "tar.xz", "tar.lz4", "bz2",
-            "lz4", "orig.tar.gz", "src.tar.gz", "src.rpm", "src.tgz",
-            "svnr\d+.tar.bz2", "stable.tar.gz", "src.rpm"]
-        self.old_env = None
-        self.commit_msg = self.env['PN'] + ": upgrade to " + self.new_ver + "\n\n"
-        self.comment_patches_msg = "\n\nCommented the following patch(es):\n"
-        self._inherits = None
-        super(Recipe, self).__init__()
-    def get_inherits(self):
-        @read_recipe_files
-        def _get_inherits(line):
-            m = re.search("^inherit (.*)$", line)
-            if m:
-                tmp = m.group(1).split()
-                self._inherits.extend(tmp)
-        if not self._inherits:
-            self._inherits = []
-            _get_inherits(self.env, self.recipe_dir)
-        return self._inherits
-    def update_env(self, env):
-        self.env = env
-    def _rename_files_dir(self, old_ver, new_ver):
-        # The files directory is renamed only if the previous
-        # one has the following format PackageName-PackageVersion.
-        # Otherwise is kept the same way.
-        src_dir = os.path.join(self.recipe_dir, self.env['PN'] + "-" + old_ver)
-        dest_dir = os.path.join(self.recipe_dir, self.env['PN'] + "-" + new_ver)
-        if os.path.exists(src_dir) and os.path.isdir(src_dir):
-            self.git.mv(src_dir, dest_dir)
-    def rename(self):
-        # clean PR before renaming
-        @modify_recipe_files
-        def _clean_pr(line, temp_recipe, *args, **kwargs):
-            if not (line.startswith("PR=") or line.startswith("PR =")):
-                temp_recipe.write(line)
-        _clean_pr(self.env, self.recipe_dir)
-        # rename recipes (not directories)
-        for path in os.listdir(self.recipe_dir):
-            full_path = os.path.join(self.recipe_dir, path)
-            if os.path.isfile(full_path) \
-              and path.find(self.env['PN']) == 0 \
-              and path.find(self.env['PKGV']) != -1:
-                new_path = re.sub(re.escape(self.env['PKGV']), self.new_ver, path)
-                self.git.mv(os.path.join(self.recipe_dir, path),
-                            os.path.join(self.recipe_dir, new_path))
-        # rename files/PN-PV directories to PN
-        self._rename_files_dir(self.env['PKGV'], self.new_ver)
-        self.recipes_renamed = True
-        # since we did some renaming, backup the current environment
-        self.old_env = self.env
-    def create_diff_file(self, file, old_md5, new_md5):
-        old_file = os.path.join(self.old_env['S'], file)
-        new_file = os.path.join(self.env['S'], file)
-        cmd = "diff -Nup " + old_file + " " + new_file + " > " + \
-              os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(file + ".diff"))
-        try:
-            stdout, stderr = bb.process.run(cmd)
-        except bb.process.ExecutionError:
-            pass
-        with open(os.path.join(self.workdir, "license_checksums.txt"), "w+") as f:
-            f.write("old checksum = %s\n" % old_md5)
-            f.write("new_checksum = %s\n" % new_md5)
-    def _change_recipe_checksums(self, fetch_log):
-        sums = {}
-        with open(os.path.realpath(fetch_log)) as log:
-            for line in log:
-                m = None
-                key = None
-                m1 = re.match("^SRC_URI\[(.*)md5sum\].*", line)
-                m2 = re.match("^SRC_URI\[(.*)sha256sum\].*", line)
-                if m1:
-                    m = m1
-                    key = "md5sum"
-                elif m2:
-                    m = m2
-                    key = "sha256sum"
-                if m:
-                    name = m.group(1)
-                    sum_line = m.group(0) + '\n'
-                    if name not in sums:
-                        sums[name] = {}
-                    sums[name][key] = sum_line;
-        if len(sums) == 0:
-            raise FetchError()
-        # checksums are usually in the main recipe but they can also be in inc
-        # files... Go through the recipes/inc files until we find them
-        @modify_recipe_files
-        def _update_recipe_checksums(line, temp_recipe, *args, **kwargs):
-            sums = args[0]
-            for name in sums:
-                m1 = re.match("^SRC_URI\["+ name + "md5sum\].*", line)
-                m2 = re.match("^SRC_URI\["+ name + "sha256sum\].*", line)
-                if m1:
-                    temp_recipe.write(sums[name]["md5sum"])
-                elif m2:
-                    temp_recipe.write(sums[name]["sha256sum"])
-                else:
-                    temp_recipe.write(line)
-        I(" %s: Update recipe checksums ..." % self.env['PN'])
-        _update_recipe_checksums(self.env, self.recipe_dir, sums)
-        self.checksums_changed = True
-    def _is_uri_failure(self, fetch_log):
-        uri_failure = None
-        checksum_failure = None
-        with open(os.path.realpath(fetch_log)) as log:
-            for line in log:
-                if not uri_failure:
-                    uri_failure = re.match(".*Fetcher failure for URL.*", line)
-                if not checksum_failure:
-                    checksum_failure = re.match(".*Checksum mismatch.*", line)
-        if uri_failure and not checksum_failure:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def _change_source_suffix(self, new_suffix):
-        # Will change the extension of the archive from the SRC_URI
-        @modify_recipe_files
-        def _change(line, temp_recipe, *args, **kwargs):
-            d = args[0]
-            # source on first line
-            m1 = re.match("^SRC_URI.*\${PV}\.(.*)[\" \\\\].*", line)
-            # SRC_URI alone on the first line
-            m2 = re.match("^SRC_URI.*", line)
-            # source on second line
-            m3 = re.match(".*\${PV}\.(.*)[\" \\\\].*", line)
-            if m1:
-                old_suffix = m1.group(1)
-                line = line.replace(old_suffix, new_suffix+" ")
-            if m2 and not m1:
-                d['source_found'] = True
-            if m3 and d['source_found']:
-                old_suffix = m3.group(1)
-                line = line.replace(old_suffix, new_suffix+" ")
-                d['source_found'] = False
-            temp_recipe.write(line)
-        d = {}
-        d['source_found'] = False
-        _change(self.env, self.recipe_dir, d)
-    def _comment_patch_uri(self, uri):
-        @modify_recipe_files
-        def _comment(line, temp_recipe, *args, **kwargs):
-            d = args[0]
-            uri = d['uri']
-            m1 = re.match("SRC_URI *\+*= *\" *" + uri + " *\"", line)
-            m2 = re.match("(SRC_URI *\+*= *\" *)" + uri + " *\\\\", line)
-            m3 = re.match("[\t ]*" + uri + " *\\\\", line)
-            m4 = re.match("([\t ]*)" + uri + " *\"", line)
-            if m1 or m2 or m3 or m4:
-                d['commented'] = True
-                if not d['start']:
-                    d['start'] = True
-                # patch on a single SRC_URI line:
-                if m1:
-                    d['patches'].append(line)
-                    d['end'] = True
-                # patch is on the first SRC_URI line
-                elif m2:
-                    d['patches'].append(line)
-                    temp_recipe.write(m2.group(1) + "\\\n")
-                # patch is in the middle
-                elif m3:
-                    d['patches'].append(line)
-                # patch is last in list
-                elif m4:
-                    d['end'] = True
-                    d['patches'].append(line)
-                    temp_recipe.write(m4.group(1) + "\"\n")
-            else:
-                temp_recipe.write(line)
-                if d['start'] and (d['end'] or line.strip().startswith('"')):
-                    if d['patches']:
-                        for p in d['patches']:
-                            line = p.rstrip()
-                            if line.endswith('\\'):
-                                line = line[:-1]
-                            temp_recipe.write("#%s\n" % line)
-                    d['start'] = False
-                    d['end'] = False
-        d = {}
-        d['commented'] = False
-        d['uri'] = uri
-        d['patches'] = []
-        d['start'] = False
-        d['end'] = False
-        _comment(self.env, self.recipe_dir, d)
-        return d['commented']
-    def _comment_faulty_patch(self, patch_log):
-        patch_file = None
-        is_reverse_applied = False
-        with open(patch_log) as log:
-            for line in log:
-                m1 = re.match("^Patch ([^ ]*) does not apply.*", line)
-                m2 = re.match("Patch ([^ ]*) can be reverse-applied", line)
-                if m2:
-                    m1 = m2
-                    is_reverse_applied = True
-                if m1:
-                    patch_file = m1.group(1)
-                    break
-        if not patch_file:
-            return False
-        I(" %s: Commenting patch %s ..." % (self.env['PN'], patch_file))
-        reason = None
-        found = False
-        dirs = [self.env['PN'] + "-" + self.env['PKGV'], self.env['PN'], "files"]
-        for dir in dirs:
-            patch_file_path = os.path.join(self.recipe_dir, dir, patch_file)
-            if not os.path.exists(patch_file_path):
-                continue
-            else:
-                found = True
-                # Find out upstream status of the patch
-                with open(patch_file_path) as patch:
-                    for line in patch:
-                        m = re.match(".*Upstream-Status:(.*)\n", line)
-                        if m:
-                            reason = m.group(1).strip().split()[0].lower()
-                if not self._comment_patch_uri("file://" + patch_file):
-                    return False
-        if not found:
-            return False
-        self.comment_patches_msg += " * " + patch_file
-        if reason:
-            self.comment_patches_msg += " (" + reason + ") "
-        if is_reverse_applied:
-            self.comment_patches_msg += "+ reverse-applied"
-        self.comment_patches_msg += "\n"
-        return True
-    def _is_license_issue(self, config_log):
-        with open(config_log) as log:
-            for line in log:
-                m = re.match("ERROR: " + self.env['PN'] +
-                             "[^:]*: md5 data is not matching for file", line)
-                if m is not None:
-                    return True
-        return False
-    def _license_issue_handled(self, config_log):
-        @modify_recipe_files
-        def _update_license_checksum(line, temp_recipe, *args, **kwargs):
-            d = args[0]
-            m = re.match("(.*)" + d['old_md5'] + "(.*)", line)
-            if m is not None:
-                temp_recipe.write(m.group(1) + d['new_md5'] + m.group(2) + "\n")
-            else:
-                temp_recipe.write(line)
-        license_file = None
-        with open(config_log) as log:
-            for line in log:
-                if not line.startswith("ERROR:"):
-                    continue
-                m_old = re.match("ERROR: " + self.env['PN'] +
-                        "[^:]*: md5 data is not matching for file://([^;]*);md5=(.*)$", line)
-                if not m_old:
-                    m_old = re.match("ERROR: " + self.env['PN'] +
-                            "[^:]*: md5 data is not matching for file://([^;]*);beginline=[0-9]*;endline=[0-9]*;md5=(.*)$", line)
-                if not m_old:
-                    m_old = re.match("ERROR: " + self.env['PN'] +
-                            "[^:]*: md5 data is not matching for file://([^;]*);endline=[0-9]*;md5=(.*)$", line)
-                if not m_old:
-                    m_old = re.match("ERROR: " + self.env['PN'] +
-                            "[^:]*: md5 data is not matching for file://([^;]*);beginline=[0-9]*;md5=(.*)$", line)
-                m_new = re.match("ERROR: " + self.env['PN'] +
-                        "[^:]*: The new md5 checksum is (.*)", line)
-                if m_old:
-                    license_file = m_old.group(1)
-                    old_md5 = m_old.group(2)
-                elif m_new:
-                    new_md5 = m_new.group(1)
-        if license_file is not None:
-            d = {}
-            d['old_md5'] = old_md5
-            d['new_md5'] = new_md5
-            _update_license_checksum(self.env, self.recipe_dir, d)
-            self.create_diff_file(license_file, old_md5, new_md5)
-            self.license_diff_file = os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(license_file + ".diff"))
-            if self.interactive:
-                W("  %s: license checksum failed for file %s. The recipe has"
-                  "been updated! View diff? (Y/n)" % (self.env['PN'], license_file))
-                answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip().upper()
-                if answer == '' or answer == 'Y':
-                    I(" ################ Licence file diff #################")
-                    with open(self.license_diff_file) as diff:
-                        I("%s" % diff.read())
-                    I(" ####################################################")
-                I(" Retry compilation? (Y/n)")
-                answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip().upper()
-                if answer == '' or answer == 'Y':
-                    return True
-            else:
-                W(" %s: license checksum failed for file %s."
-                  " The recipe has been updated! Diff file located at %s" %
-                  (self.env['PN'], license_file, self.license_diff_file))
-                I(" Recompiling ...")
-                self.commit_msg += "License checksum changed for file " + license_file
-                return True
-        return False
-    def get_license_diff_file_name(self):
-        file_name = None
-        if not self.license_diff_file is None:
-            file_name = os.path.basename(self.license_diff_file)
-        return file_name
-    def _get_failed_recipes(self, output):
-        failed_tasks = dict()
-        machine = None
-        for line in output.split("\n"):
-            machine_match = re.match("MACHINE[\t ]+= *\"(.*)\"$", line)
-            task_log_match = re.match("ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: (.*/([^/]*)/[^/]*/temp/log\.(.*)\.[0-9]*)", line)
-            # For some reason do_package is reported differently
-            qa_issue_match = re.match("ERROR: QA Issue: ([^ :]*): (.*) not shipped", line)
-            if task_log_match:
-                failed_tasks[task_log_match.group(2)] = (task_log_match.group(3), task_log_match.group(1))
-            elif qa_issue_match:
-                # Improvise path to log file
-                failed_tasks[qa_issue_match.group(1)] = ("do_package", self.bb.get_stdout_log())
-            elif machine_match:
-                machine = machine_match.group(1)
-        # we didn't detect any failed tasks? then something else is wrong
-        if len(failed_tasks) == 0:
-            raise Error("could not detect failed task")
-        return (machine, failed_tasks)
-    def _is_incompatible_host(self, output):
-        for line in output.split("\n"):
-            incomp_host = re.match("ERROR: " + self.env['PN'] + " was skipped: incompatible with host (.*) \(.*$", line)
-            if incomp_host is not None:
-                return True
-        return False
-    def _add_not_shipped(self, package_log):
-        files_not_shipped = False
-        files = []
-        occurences = []
-        prefixes = {
-          "/usr"            : "prefix",
-          "/bin"            : "base_bindir",
-          "/sbin"           : "base_sbindir",
-          "/lib"            : "base_libdir",
-          "/usr/share"      : "datadir",
-          "/etc"            : "sysconfdir",
-          "/var"            : "localstatedir",
-          "/usr/share/info" : "infodir",
-          "/usr/share/man"  : "mandir",
-          "/usr/share/doc"  : "docdir",
-          "/srv"            : "servicedir",
-          "/usr/bin"        : "bindir",
-          "/usr/sbin"       : "sbindir",
-          "/usr/libexec"    : "libexecdir",
-          "/usr/lib"        : "libdir",
-          "/usr/include"    : "includedir",
-          "/usr/lib/opie"   : "palmtopdir",
-          "/usr/lib/opie"   : "palmqtdir",
-        }
-        with open(package_log) as log:
-            for line in log:
-                if re.match(".*Files/directories were installed but not shipped.*", line):
-                    I(" %s: Add new files in recipe ..." %  self.env['PN'])
-                    files_not_shipped = True
-                # Extract path
-                line = line.strip()
-                if line:
-                    line = line.split()[0]
-                if files_not_shipped and os.path.isabs(line):
-                    # Count occurences for globbing
-                    path_exists = False
-                    for i in range(0, len(files)):
-                        if line.find(files[i]) == 0:
-                            path_exists = True
-                            occurences[i] += 1
-                            break
-                    if not path_exists:
-                        files.append(line)
-                        occurences.append(1)
-        for i in range(0, len(files)):
-            # Change paths to globbing expressions where is the case
-            if occurences[i] > 1:
-                files[i] += "/*"
-            largest_prefix = ""
-            # Substitute prefix
-            for prefix in prefixes:
-                if files[i].find(prefix) == 0 and len(prefix) > len(largest_prefix):
-                    largest_prefix = prefix
-            if largest_prefix:
-                replacement = "${" + prefixes[largest_prefix] + "}"
-                files[i] = files[i].replace(largest_prefix, replacement)
-        @modify_recipe_files
-        def _append_new_files(line, temp_recipe, *args, **kwargs):
-            d = args[0]
-            if re.match("^FILES_\${PN}[ +=].*", line):
-                d['files_clause'] = True
-                temp_recipe.write(line)
-                return
-            # Get front spacing
-            if d['files_clause']:
-                front_spacing = re.sub("[^ \t]", "", line)
-            # Append once the last line has of FILES has been reached
-            if re.match(".*\".*", line) and d['files_clause']:
-                d['files_clause'] = False
-                line = line.replace("\"", "")
-                line = line.rstrip()
-                front_spacing = re.sub("[^ \t]", "", line)
-                # Do not write an empty line
-                if line.strip():
-                    temp_recipe.write(line + " \\\n")
-                # Add spacing in case there was none
-                if len(front_spacing) == 0:
-                    front_spacing = " " * 8
-                # Write to file
-                for i in range(len(files) - 1):
-                    line = front_spacing + files[i] + " \\\n"
-                    temp_recipe.write(line)
-                line = front_spacing + files[len(files) - 1] + "\"\n"
-                temp_recipe.write(line)
-                return
-            temp_recipe.write(line)
-        d = {}
-        d['files_clause'] = False
-        _append_new_files(self.env, self.recipe_dir, d)
-        return files_not_shipped
-    def unpack(self):
-        self.bb.unpack(self.env['PN'])
-    def fetch(self):
-        from recipe.git import GitRecipe
-        def _try_fetch():
-            try:
-                self.bb.fetch(self.env['PN'])
-                return
-            except Error as e:
-                machine, failed_recipes = self._get_failed_recipes(e.stdout)
-                if not self.env['PN'] in failed_recipes:
-                    raise Error("Unknown error occured during fetch",
-                            stdout = e.stdout, stderr = e.stderr)
-                fetch_log = failed_recipes[self.env['PN']][1]
-                if not self._is_uri_failure(fetch_log) and not \
-                        self.checksums_changed:
-                    self._change_recipe_checksums(fetch_log)
-                    self.checksums_changed = True
-                    return True
-                return False
-        succeed = _try_fetch()
-        if not succeed and not isinstance(self, GitRecipe):
-            for sfx in self.suffixes:
-                I(" Trying new SRC_URI suffix: %s ..." % sfx)
-                self._change_source_suffix(sfx)
-                succeed = _try_fetch()
-                if succeed:
-                    break
-        if not succeed:
-            raise Error("Can't built a valid SRC_URI")
-        elif self.recipes_renamed and not self.checksums_changed:
-            raise Error("Fetch succeeded without changing checksums")
-    def cleanall(self):
-        self.bb.cleanall(self.env['PN'])
-    def _clean_failed_recipes(self, failed_recipes):
-        already_retried = False
-        for recipe in failed_recipes:
-            if recipe in self.retried_recipes:
-                # we already retried, we'd best leave it to a human to handle
-                # it :)
-                already_retried = True
-            # put the recipe in the retried list
-            self.retried_recipes.add(recipe)
-        if already_retried:
-            return False
-        else:
-            I(" %s: The following recipe(s): %s, failed.  "
-              "Doing a 'cleansstate' and then retry ..." %
-              (self.env['PN'], ' '.join(failed_recipes.keys())))
-            self.bb.cleansstate(' '.join(failed_recipes.keys()))
-            return True
-    def _undo_temporary(self):
-        # Undo removed patches
-        if self.removed_patches:
-            self.git.checkout_branch("upgrades")
-            self.git.delete_branch("comment_patches")
-            self.git.reset_hard()
-            self.git.reset_soft(1)
-            self.removed_patches = False
-    def compile(self, machine):
-        try:
-            self.bb.complete(self.env['PN'], machine)
-            if self.removed_patches:
-                # move temporary changes into upgrades branch
-                self.git.checkout_branch("upgrades")
-                self.git.delete_branch("comment_patches")
-                self.git.reset_soft(1)
-                self.commit_msg += self.comment_patches_msg + "\n"
-                self.removed_patches = False
-        except Error as e:
-            if self._is_incompatible_host(e.stdout):
-                W(" %s: compilation failed: incompatible host" % self.env['PN'])
-                return
-            machine, failed_recipes = self._get_failed_recipes(e.stdout)
-            if not self.env['PN'] in failed_recipes:
-                if not self._clean_failed_recipes(failed_recipes):
-                    self._undo_temporary()
-                    raise CompilationError()
-                # retry
-                self.compile(machine)
-            else:
-                failed_task = failed_recipes[self.env['PN']][0]
-                log_file = failed_recipes[self.env['PN']][1]
-                if failed_task == "do_patch":
-                    # Comment one patch after the other until
-                    # compilation works.
-                    if not self.removed_patches:
-                        self.git.commit("temporary")
-                        self.git.create_branch("comment_patches")
-                        self.git.checkout_branch("comment_patches")
-                        self.removed_patches = True
-                    if not self._comment_faulty_patch(log_file):
-                        self._undo_temporary()
-                        raise PatchError()
-                    # retry
-                    I(" %s: Recompiling for %s ..." % (self.env['PN'], machine))
-                    self.compile(machine)
-                elif failed_task == "do_configure":
-                    self._undo_temporary()
-                    if not self._is_license_issue(log_file):
-                        raise ConfigureError()
-                    if not self._license_issue_handled(log_file):
-                        raise LicenseError()
-                    #retry
-                    self.compile(machine)
-                elif failed_task == "do_fetch":
-                    raise FetchError()
-                elif failed_task == "do_package":
-                    raise PackageError()
-                    #if self._add_not_shipped(log_file):
-                    #    self.compile(machine)
-                    #else:
-                else:
-                    self._undo_temporary()
-                    # throw a compilation exception for everything else. It
-                    # doesn't really matter
-                    raise CompilationError()
diff --git a/modules/recipe/git.py b/modules/recipe/git.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 95e8810..0000000
--- a/modules/recipe/git.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et:
-# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Intel Corporation
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-# Laurentiu Palcu   <laurentiu.palcu at intel.com>
-# Marius Avram      <marius.avram at intel.com>
-import re
-import os
-from errors import *
-from recipe.base import Recipe
-class GitRecipe(Recipe):
-    def _extract_tag_from_ver(self, ver):
-        m = re.match("(.*)\+.*\+.*", ver)
-        if m is not None:
-            return m.group(1)
-        # allow errors in the reporting system
-        return ver
-    def _get_tag_sha1(self, new_tag):
-        m = re.match(".*(git://[^ ;]*).*", self.env['SRC_URI'])
-        if m is None:
-            raise Error("could not extract repo url from SRC_URI")
-        repo_url = m.group(1)
-        tags = self.git.ls_remote(repo_url, "--tags")
-        # Try to find tag ending with ^{}
-        for tag in tags.split('\n'):
-            if tag.endswith(new_tag + "^{}"):
-                return tag.split()[0]
-        # If not found, try to find simple tag
-        for tag in tags.split('\n'):
-            if tag.endswith(new_tag):
-                return tag.split()[0]
-        return None
-    def rename(self):
-        old_git_tag = self._extract_tag_from_ver(self.env['PKGV'])
-        new_git_tag = self._extract_tag_from_ver(self.new_ver)
-        if new_git_tag == old_git_tag:
-            raise UpgradeNotNeededError()
-        tag_sha1 = self._get_tag_sha1(new_git_tag)
-        if tag_sha1 is None:
-            raise Error("could not extract tag sha1")
-        for f in os.listdir(self.recipe_dir):
-            full_path_f = os.path.join(self.recipe_dir, f)
-            if os.path.isfile(full_path_f) and \
-                    ((f.find(self.env['PN']) == 0 and (f.find(old_git_tag) != -1 or
-                      f.find("git") != -1) and f.find(".bb") != -1) or
-                     (f.find(self.env['PN']) == 0 and f.find(".inc") != -1)):
-                with open(full_path_f + ".tmp", "w+") as temp_recipe:
-                    with open(full_path_f) as recipe:
-                        for line in recipe:
-                            m1 = re.match("^SRCREV *= *\".*\"", line)
-                            m2 = re.match("PV *= *\"[^\+]*(.*)\"", line)
-                            if m1 is not None:
-                                temp_recipe.write("SRCREV = \"" + tag_sha1 + "\"\n")
-                            elif m2 is not None:
-                                temp_recipe.write("PV = \"" + new_git_tag + m2.group(1) + "\"\n")
-                            else:
-                                temp_recipe.write(line)
-                os.rename(full_path_f + ".tmp", full_path_f)
-        self.env['PKGV'] = old_git_tag
-        self.new_ver = new_git_tag
-        super(GitRecipe, self).rename()
-    def fetch(self):
-        pass
diff --git a/modules/recipe/svn.py b/modules/recipe/svn.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dadafd..0000000
--- a/modules/recipe/svn.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et:
-# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 Intel Corporation
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-# Laurentiu Palcu   <laurentiu.palcu at intel.com>
-# Marius Avram      <marius.avram at intel.com>
-from recipe.base import Recipe
-class SvnRecipe(Recipe):
-    pass

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